Social media is a wonderful way of keeping in touch with far off friends and family, sharing our little life’s incidents and surprises, and to some others who look on it might seem to be a bit of nonsense. I’m ok with a bit of nonsense, and some might say I AM a bit of nonsense. Sadly at the other end of the scale lies the fake news. In other words lies parading as truth. We are so easily led to believe such nonsense as well. We don’t seem to have good filters to sift out the fun from the harmful nonsense.
One of the most harmful ways to spread fake news, or lies, for the Christian is to cloak it in a little kernel of truth. We swallow the whole thing, while only seeing the bit we like, or in other cases, dislike. In other words we rush to our own false opinion, or fake news, and we then spread it around like a self fulfilling prophesy.
Paul had a situation where some folks, taken by his style of preaching and teaching, would pick the leader they trusted to believe. The essence of the gospel was missed. The author of the gospel, and the Saviour we worship is not a man, no matter how good we see him or her to be, but Jesus the Christ. Anything or anyone less is fake news and not the good news of the true gospel. The fault did not lie with the charismatic leaders in Paul’s day, it lay with gullible and easily led people who placed their trust in the wrong place, and with the wrong person.
Why do you go to church? Is it because you like the pastor? Does what he or she say, chime with your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs? Is it for the friends you have made there? The singing of your kind of songs or hymns? These are all the wrong reasons for being in church. There is only one reason for worship, one person worthy of that worship, and that is Jesus the son of God, our only Saviour. Until we see past the other ‘nonsense’ we cannot enter His courts with gladness, and in truth. There are still many who say, “I follow ______”, or “I follow ______”. I will let you fill in the blanks. If you or I CAN fill in the blanks, we are not there yet.
Brothers and sisters, some members of Chloe’s family told me that there are arguments among you. This is what I mean: One of you says, “I follow Paul,” and someone else says, “I follow Apollos.” Another says, “I follow Peter,” and someone else says, “I follow Christ.” Christ cannot be divided into different groups. It wasn’t Paul who died on the cross for you, was it? Were you baptized in Paul’s name? 1 Corinthians 1:11-13
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12,13