Wednesday 9 November 2016


But you were washed clean, you were made holy, and you were made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. “I am allowed to do anything,” you say. My answer to this is that not all things are good. Even if it is true that “I am allowed to do anything,” I will not let anything control me like a slave. 1 Corinthians 6:11,12

In the verses just before this one, Paul lists the major sins which will keep us out of heaven, but somehow I don’t think those serious sins would apply to us. However, how about other sins which can be dangerous to the pilgrim, who is trying his or her best to stay close to the truth as shown in the life of Jesus, and the Scriptures? Is there a ‘but’ in our lives too?

We may not have an outrageous lifestyle, and people who don’t know us too well might even look up to us, but what about those smaller sins that get in our way? Our lives should reflect love in the way that God tells us through the Scriptures. I accept that we all love to a degree, but how far does it go? Do we love our Christian brothers and sisters only, and just enough that it makes a difference in the way others see us? Maybe it’s both what we say, and how we say it. Maybe, just maybe, in our efforts to be funny at the expense of others, we step over a line where non Christians would not go, and where they are surprised that we do. We may use the excuse that we are not doing any harm, and it’s only a manner of speaking, but I have to take note of these verses today.

I’m sure you have heard these words from a friend, “It’s just the way I am, and you have to accept me this way.” I have a surprise for you. No I don’t. This past few months have seen Christians speak and write very harmful things about other Christians who happen to hold a different political view. The UK Brexit referendum, and the USA Presidential Election has opened my eyes to what is seen as “acceptable talk”, and it certainly is not Christianity. It may be “Churchianity” but it is nothing more.

All I am asking (of myself too) is that we take more care of the things we say. Others are watching, and some are very young in the faith, or even being drawn by the Spirit to faith, and we are in danger of being a stumbling block by our language. It’s a choice, so I am asking that we all do a little better, and become more Christlike in our conversation. The difference could be startling in ourselves, and surprising in others!

For if you love only those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even tax-collectors do that! And if you exchange greetings only with your own circle, are you doing anything exceptional? Even the pagans do that much. Matthew 5:46

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