Friday 18 November 2016

The Journey - Part Way

You have a 12 mile walk or hike to the top, and you get half way. One of two things can happen. Either you are so encouraged at the progress you have made, it makes you look forward to the next part … OR you are footsore, weary, and thirsty because you have drunk all the water already, and you dread the remaining trek to the summit. The pictures in the brochure or map looked good, but you hadn’t accounted for the pain and blisters.

This is the dangerous time. It will take you the same time to get back to the safety of the car, as it will to continue up. If you turn back, you know you will feel defeated but you are so very tired. One thing is certain. You can’t stay where you are. You either go up or down, and the choice is yours alone.

At this point it is always a good thing to sit down, and drink in the view. Did I really make it to this point, and seeing the scenery from this height is spectacular. As you take your time to take in the view and rest, you wonder at creation. How can there NOT be a God? Someone is responsible for this panorama, because you realise again that it didn’t all happen by accident, or the randomness of evolution. Before you know it, you are refreshed and ready to carry on.

So too with our journey heavenward. Partway to our destination, we might get discouraged. Maybe it’s a family illness, or a death, or a financial difficulty you hadn’t planned for. In any case we falter. Right then, we need to sit down, and drink from the memories you have of the many promises God has already kept, and His provision in the past as you travelled to this point. He always saw you through bad times before, so why would God not see you to the summit from this point of despair too? Bring those Bible verses you memorised in Sunday School to mind, and look up. You might even want to pray, and why not? After a breather, and a rest, things can look clearer and before you know it you are on your feet ready to climb again!

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Matthew 11:28 Msg

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