Saturday 12 November 2016


We have just seen an election campaign in the USA like no other I have ever witnessed, and I have seen a few. In a few days after winning the ticket to become the next President, many things said before have changed. Not just a little, but in a big way. In essence, Donald Trump won by using deceit at the highest level, not to mention downright lies to achieve his goal. He is already changing his mind on things like NATO, the wall along the Mexican border, affordable healthcare (Obamacare), his expressed views on the Clintons,the Obamas, and climate change to name just a few.

Before we rush to judgement on all those who voted for his success, and the lies he peddled, let’s take a look closer to home. We go by the name Christian? I wonder how we stack up against the things we say and do, and the Biblical standard we profess? In many ways we are no different from Donald Trump. We talk big, but deliver small. We claim that the answers to life’s ills are contained in the Bible, but we don’t act like it. Some even go to church on a Sunday, looking and sounding the part, but you wouldn’t know it during the rest of the week.

Before we shout about anyone else being a charlatan or a hypocrite, I suggest we take a long hard look at ourselves, and I include myself in that. Evidently there is much in common between a lying politician and a shallow christian. The biggest difference though is that any political charlatan can be replaced in a few years, and the world carries on. However a hypocrite claiming to be a Christian who does not live a good and Godly example in the way that he or she knows they should, will stand before a just and holy God and the outcome is eternal. Equally, we know that the Bible is not silent on this serious and important matter.  

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15,16

The axe is now ready to cut down the trees. Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Matthew 3:10

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