Thursday 10 November 2016

An Uncomfortable Truth

In world politics, we have had three major elections recently, and each one has not worked out the way folks planned. In 2014 there was the Scottish Independence Referendum. Then in 2016 the UK had a referendum on whether to stay or leave the European Union, followed up by the USA finally concluding its long process to elect the next President. To state the obvious, in each case there were winners and losers, and I have finally figured out the common thread which runs through all three losing groups (who all take their loss very seriously and personally).

Scotland, the UK and America pride themselves in being democratic at root. We all claim to abide by the fundamental rules of democracy. You know, where in the end everyone pulls together to make their nation a better place. Oh too fast there, easy now tiger…..

The 55% who lost the Scottish Independence Referendum have held a grudge ever since, and want another run at the question in the hope they will get the answer they want. The UK voted for Brexit, and now the minority who lost don’t like the answer, so there is a concerted effort to make the process as difficult as possible, all the while looking for a way to rerun the vote. And then there’s the Trump factor in the USA. The Donald won by a large margin in a record turnout, but there are demonstrations and riots in the streets of some US capital cities.

We have bad and sad losers everywhere, and that tells me we are not really democratic nations no matter how much we tell ourselves and everybody else we are. When a minority lose, they think the vote was rigged, and badly handled. Anything but accept the wish of the clear majority. No, the truth is that our great nations are turning to anarchy. Does that offend you? I hope it does, because it is an uncomfortable truth. By definition, democracy is: “control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.” and anarchy is: “a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.”

Nothing could be clearer. Scotland, the UK and America are paving the way to anarchy at the hands of the mostly young generation who are used to getting their own way, and faced with something they don’t like, take it personally saying “we need another system, because democracy is broken. It doesn’t work for everyone.” More mature people know this. The Bible has a word for all human life as it relates to God, so what does it say?

We know that the law is good if someone uses it right. We also know that the law is not made for those who do what is right. It is made for those who are against the law and refuse to follow it. 1 Timothy 1:8,9

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