Saturday 5 November 2016

The Journey - Time to Think

Perhaps the greatest benefit in walking or climbing a hill, is that it gives you time to think. Time to forget the daily grind for a while, clear your mind, breathe in the good fresh air, and let your mind become free. It is amazing how relaxed and happy it makes you feel.

In our journey heavenward, we need to get away too. Work will drag us down, and even a good home life takes effort to keep you positive. Church, and its programs will drain you if you get involved in too much, and more so if you start to believe that everything will fall down round your ears if it wasn’t for your efforts. What would they do without me, you may find yourself asking?

The Scripture is not silent on this. There are times we need a holiday from work, and in the same way there are times we need a break from the same old, same old, church routine. Oh no, did I really just say that? Which then is better, being fresh in God’s work, or running yourself ragged and being no good to anyone? We are told clearly that there IS a way to be Godly, and also to be content. Timothy was a young pastor and his mentor Paul helped him by advising that not only is Godliness and contentment possible, there is a massive benefit to the child of God.

So, climb that hill. Take that walk. Breathe the freshness of new air once in a while and when you do, refresh and renew your thoughts towards your heavenly goal. This journey needs you to be as fresh as possible!

Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment. 1 Timothy 6:6

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