Tuesday 18 September 2018


The words ‘equal’ and ‘equality’ have been exercising my mind lately. They are used extensively by the media, and various groups who want the same advantages as others. I started by looking up the dictionary definitions, and found the:

Definition of equal: being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value. Identical.

Definition of congruent: identical in form; coinciding exactly when superimposed.

Now the Lord God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.” Genesis 2:18 AMP

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 NIV

Unfortunately, and sadly (I think) society has decided today that men and women are equal in all aspects of life to the point that they are congruent (see the definition above). It is patently evident that God did not make man and woman the same. They are complementary one with the other. The best examples of marriage I know, occur when one makes up for the other so that there is harmony and balance in the relationship and the children benefit. In any union where each partner wants to be superior, and acts that way, disaster is not far away.

So what did Paul mean when he said there is neither male nor female, but one in Christ Jesus? Based on Scripture, it cannot mean that they are both the same in all aspects, or considered equal. There is a saying that the ground is level at the foot of the cross, meaning it doesn’t matter who you are, or the life you have led, salvation is freely offered to the sinner and that would be the same for man and woman.

The family unit is at its strongest when mum and dad take their God given roles seriously, and do not try to usurp His will to be something that is not God’s. We (society) have now welcomed and encouraged the so called ‘equality’ of two men or two women in marriage. A child can now be raised in a home which is not God ordained, but do we care? Not really because we have swallowed satan’s lie that men and women are equal in all aspects of life. After all, the law says it is ok, so it must be so, right?? The more ‘enlightened’ women now say that they are every bit as able as men, and they can do anything a man can do, because they are equal.

Why do we not have men’s versus women’s football teams? Or mixed gender relay races versus an all men’s foursome? Or why is the female fire officer not ordered first up the high extension ladder with a water hose over her shoulder? Or a man in the delivery ward having the baby while his wife watches anxiously? Can the husband naturally feed his baby? Or why does the toddler run to his or her mum when they are hurt? Or why does the teenager go to dad for those serious teenage talks, or advice about his new girlfriend? Why are the women softer hearted and gentler in spirit? What makes a man primarily want to provide and protect his wife and family? Answers are not needed to any of these questions.

I can understand and perhaps even see where the unchurched and unsaved might think that men and women are fully congruent (equal), but not when it comes from a Bible believing Christ follower.

When you are faced with the statement that men and women are completely equal, ask in what way?

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