Wednesday 5 September 2018

Creation v Evolution?

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:15-17 ESV

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8 ESV

Dictionary definition of evolution is given as: the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

If you want to see a group of perfectly balanced and quiet Christians turn into a noisy clamouring group, then open up a discussion on evolution and creation. There are as many opinions as there are people, both inside and outside the church. It’s a subject that will be sure to turn the mild mannered ‘Clark Kent’ into a ‘Superman’! But why should this be?

The way you interpret and read the Genesis story of Adam and Eve will automatically put you into a corner which will be at odds at least with some of your friends. In the red corner, we have a real Adam, Eve, a talking snake, literal 24 hour days for God to make the world and the universe. In the blue corner, you have the believers who understand that same story in Genesis as picture language or metaphor to aid understanding of a message which was beyond the thinking and understanding of early mankind. In truth it is still ‘way above some of our advanced scientific thinking today.

To make it worse, one of these groups of Christians will forcefully point the finger at the other group and say something like, “It’s in the Bible, and I believe the Bible to be the literal Word of God. It’s obvious that you don’t and would rather take sides with science.” This can get nasty. Trust me, it really can! So, what’s the answer?

First of all, note that we talk about “The THEORY of evolution” and that’s because it cannot be proven. The process would take millions of years to work through from a single cell to the human beings we are today. This cannot be recreated as science requires, so cannot be more than a theory. However, the other side should not be too hasty to cheer their success. Many well respected theologians from all corners of the church will differ on the Biblical interpretation of the creation story. Yes, they will believe wholeheartedly in creation, but they cannot agree on the full process of how God did what He did. It is above the human mind!

How important are we prepared to make this subject? If neither side can fully prove their point, except through faith in the God of the Bible, why not view creation as a part of the overall purpose of God and the Bible which leads directly to Jesus and our salvation? Is that something we should fight, or disagree about? No, thought not, because it’s not a salvation issue!

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