Monday, 31 December 2018

Out With The Old

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Isaiah43:18NIV

Putting the past behind us is easier said than done. We have a tendency to beat ourselves up over some of the daft things we did during the past year and so we become our own worst enemy. I have found that our true friends have already excused and forgiven us, but in the meantime we sulk in our own self pity. Do you recognise this characteristic? I think we all share it to some degree.

I like the thought that God is already doing a new thing in our lives. That’s a good reason to let go of the past. When God is at work on our behalf, He doesn’t do anything in half measures. He is complete, and thorough. I fully know and understand that we can’t always forget, but we don’t have to rake it up and sift through the rubble, do we? Being a God of Love, He will replace all the negative things in our heart with good, positive improvements.

You have heard the old phrase, “Let go and let God”, well here it is, all clean, shiney and sparkling for the new year. Why not take God at His Word, accept and apply this promise, and I include myself in this resolution too. Paul says it in Romans in a slightly different way. All those difficulties and hard times of the past year(s) will work together to complete His purpose and plan for your life (and mine too). You see, that is a promise for the faithful believers, and that’s us. Let’s go into 2019 with these verses in our hearts and minds!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans8:28NIV

Wednesday, 26 December 2018


What is Christmas to you? Does it have the deeper meaning that goes beyond the white fur lined red suit worn by a cheery, red faced,white bearded portly man? I hope so. This post was started on Christmas day, and already I have seen Christmas in action.

While out at the local cemetery to think and reflect, I couldn’t help but notice the number of people coming out of cars into the cold foggy morning air to do the same. It’s a time to look back on our loved ones who are not here now to enjoy this happy time. For some, this is a very sad time, and a ‘Happy Christmas’ is nowhere to be heard. But among the still grieving, there were the children running around in the happy spirit of the day, grasping one of their gifts that appeared under the tree earlier this morning. Children have a very simple view of Christmas, and at times I envy them.

As I drove home, there was the well dressed teenager, very carefully carrying a few gifts in his arms, looking worried that he might drop one. Let me speculate. He was too young to be married, and too old to be the simple child we spoke about earlier. My thinking is that he was on his way to the love of his young life, bearing presents that he hopes she will like. To top his appearance off (literally) he was sporting a white fur trimmed red hat with a white bauble on top. He didn’t care who saw him, because his mind (and possibly heart) was already taken elsewhere with thoughts of love. A carer was making her way from a house where she would have tended to the needs of someone who would not get through the day without her. There was a group of working men in and around a big hole in the ground, I suspect trying to fix a problem which affected the community. And then small groups of families walking to meet, greet, and give gifts to their own, perhaps to enjoy Christmas dinner.

A happy tradition carried on in my daughters, is the Christmas family dinner where mums, dads, children, grandparents and friends are all invited to sit round the big table to enjoy the food lovingly prepared for this particular occasion. When the normal seating is all used, out come the stools and the odd chairs, so that everyone is included and welcome. This doesn’t happen at any other time of year, so everybody joins in the fun, wearing those funny hats from the Christmas cracker and telling the jokes printed on the slip of paper for your enjoyment. If you are fortunate, you might even get a little plastic toy or puzzle to show around.

Eventually, there comes the time to push back from the table having eaten more than you should have, and after loosening your now too tight belt a few notches for comfort, the clearing up begins. The presents stacked under the tree and wrapped so carefully, are ripped open to reveal the needed, wanted, and funny gifts we love. There is coloured wrapping paper strewn everywhere that also needs to be gathered up by the host and/or hostess. After weeks of preparation and planning this lovely slap up meal, it is over so quickly for another year. Chances are we'll do it all again, because it brings us closer together!

It’s a good idea to use the ‘why’ question often asked by young children who want to understand something. They keep on asking ‘why’ until they are satisfied, and only then do they stop asking. Why the gifts? Why sing those same Carols every year? Why the decorated tree? Why the celebration? Why santa, and where does he fit in? Why was all this started in the first place? Asking the searching ‘why’ questions always brings you back to the baby Jesus born into the poverty of an occupied land. To many, His chances of survival would seem slim, but survive He did, and more than that! This helpless baby born to poor parents would grow up into a miracle working, death defying, life changing Saviour. In the space of some 33 years this Jesus would do no wrong, but ironically be murdered in cold blood for His selfless, pure life. But the story doesn’t end there. The God-man defeated death, rose from the grave, and only after being seen by multitudes of people, went back to God His Father where He is now interceding on our behalf. This life is well documented in the Gospels and secular writings so there is no doubt in the sure foundation of our salvation.

Let’s live as though every day is Christmas Day!

Saturday, 22 December 2018

But You'll Love It

I have a friend who seems to have many irons in many fires, and never stops for a rest. In some ways I envy his energy and enthusiasm, but not totally. When a few of our friends get together, he will always have something or some place we should visit or attend. It can be anything from a conference to a light business affair, and everything in between. Hardly a time goes by without him bringing up his thoughts of what he ’knows’ we would all like.

In most instances, everyone declines gently, but sometimes we have to be more emphatic and say, NO! This is always followed up with a repeat invitation as though no one had heard the first time. These things are not everybody’s cup of tea, but then he brings out the big guns, and with some excitement in his voice will raise his voice and say, “But You’ll Love It!”

I was thinking about this in respect of the Christmas celebrations and holidays we all ‘enjoy’. Or do we? The big assumption is that we will love it, in the same way that others enjoy the time which surrounds the Christmas season. But we don’t, do we? Not everyone looks forward to Christmas. Because of the generally expected hype, some will join in as much as they can, but their whole heart isn’t in it. So why doesn’t everyone love Christmas?

Think about the recently bereaved and the empty chair. The wayward child who doesn’t want to be home for Christmas because they are hurting too. The young couple who recently lost their hope for a baby, through no fault of their own. The destitute and homeless. The wife, whose husband just walked out on her and their children. The unhappy list could go on.

Please don’t miss the message when someone talks about a Christmas activity, and seeing the silent response, they say, “But You’ll Love It”. Be sensitive. Be a friend, and try to understand the heart behind the reluctant smile. Chances are they would love to be able to love this time of year as much as you, but they may not be ready. Not yet. Maybe sometime soon, but then again, maybe never in this life.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

The Day After

Right now,almost everyone is rushing about in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas rush, trying to make sure they get the right gift for those special people in their lives. We do push out the boat, and sometimes pay the price of not being able to enjoy Christmas as much as you once did when you were younger and had no responsibilities. How times change.

By the time Christmas day dawns (and even before that!) you are truly frazzled in the preparation for the family bursting through your door, and that much anticipated big Christmas dinner around a full table. Who can blame the ones who come bearing gifts, but they are not the ones who have been preparing right up to the last minute to get all the gifts, as well as the big turkey, or salmon, or vegetarian dinner with all the trimmings.

By Boxing Day, the hostess and host get a chance to relax a little, kick back, have the house to themselves, and eat the leftovers from a plate on their knee in the living room watching the TV movie they missed. Oh the joy. There are so many left overs of starters, main courses, and desserts, they will last for the coming days in the run up to New Year. Oh no, that’s when it all starts again for some others in the family to return the favour, this time with the traditional steak pie (or vegetarian) dinner. I suggest the time to really relax is around the end of the first week of the new year and a subscription to Weight Watchers!

As believers, we are blessed above others because we do not lose sight of the reason for the season, and for us whether it’s the baby Jesus in the manger, the Saviour on the cross, or the resurrected King, these can always be in our heart and mind. After all, the God-Man is now at the right hand of His Father praying and interceding for us in all our days. After all, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews13:8NIV

Friday, 14 December 2018

In Situ

She [Mary] will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’(which means ‘God with us’). Matthew1:21-23NIV

Many sermons and talks are contained within these short verses, but I will only mention one. Well, actually two, because they are inseparable.

We must never forget that the whole purpose of the Christmas story is to show that Jesus saves us from our sins. That is an amazing claim and if we stopped there, it would be enough to satisfy the needy sinner. That’s you and me! Jesus came, and took on the form of a helpless, vulnerable baby, all to take us out of our state of sin if we let Him. Sadly, not everyone takes up the offer, but why? Maybe part of the reason is that the first Christmas happened so very long ago, and what relevance does it have to us now?

I love the positive theme of the next verse. Yes, the virgin did conceive and bear a son named Jesus, but it didn’t stop there. Jesus was known by another name, ‘Immanuel’ which simply means ‘God with us’. He is right beside us. Not distant. Not unapproachable. Not only with the church leaders, but WITH US! God WITH us. We must let that sink in. God made it personal to all people of all nations and all generations, and all we have to do is take Him up on His offer. Our God becomes ‘in situ’ and what could be better?

No longer can we hide behind the manger scene some 2,000+ years ago, because Jesus is also Immanuel. He is right here with us in our tough times, our bad decisions, our wrong choices. Jesus stays with us at all times, and all we have to do is recognise that He cares enough for us, choose Him, and as His follower He will stay there. Now, I ask again. Why do so many not accept the offer of a personal God who is with us day in, and day out, every day of the year?

Perhaps we are so advanced that we don’t need a God? Perhaps we have been convinced by the TV and Film industry that there is no God, and we have swallowed that lie hook, line and sinker? We are shaking our fist at God, and where do you think that will lead? Jesus, God with us, offers eternal life in heaven, but sadly some will still choose a lost eternity because they know better. Do they? Do they really?? What do you think???  

Wednesday, 12 December 2018


It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts20:35NIV

What a difference a few years makes. It doesn’t seem so long ago that I was the one waiting for the gifts under the tree at Christmas. I can almost taste the excitement it was so palpable. The early morning start, even though I wasn’t a morning person, the festive music playing which was the signal that Christmas Day had started, and Santa had been.

There always were gifts, so I guess I must have been good. Never a disappointment, and I thought things could never get better. Ever! When you are in Primary School your world revolves around getting presents, and comparing them to the ones your friends got. No one was ever unhappy with theirs because, somehow, this magical Santa knew what you needed, and what you wanted. The best part was that he knew the difference!

I can clearly remember my mum and dad, just sitting and watching the excitement. Getting very little, but soaking in the joy of their family as they ripped their way through the wrapping paper. When I was blessed to be a dad myself, I found some of that inner joy while looking on, but I also had my own presents too.

Then, the day of the biggest and best surprise arrived. I had turned into my parents and all I wanted to see was the joy of my now grown children, and grandchildren as they tore off the Christmas wrapping paper to reveal the Christmas surprises. Just as it was with me, they were never bad so they got a year’s worth of goodness in gift form.

Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, so it should come as no surprise to finally realise, and accept that it really is more blessed to give than to receive. Getting a special gift from that special person is good, but it is supremely better to be the giver of that special gift! Unfortunately, to get to this place, you have to grow up. Happy Christmas everyone!!

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Pride, Prejudice, and Independence

It won’t make any sense to the younger readers, but as you get older you might encounter the problem of role reversal with your family. God has been good to me, and blessed me with a family who would do anything for me. This is ok as long as it isn’t necessary to ask, but… BIG BUT, the time comes when you have to give in to your prideful independence, and the prejudice of the only person who can and should do things, is me!!

In a few weeks I will be going into hospital for a significant knee operation to remove one implant, and replace it with another fuller and better one. The result is a while to recover, the physiotherapy, and all the while trying to keep house. Having lost my wee wife some years ago, I miss her and that everything would have been done and covered properly. My pride gets in the way. My two lovely daughters are straight from their mum as far as being Godly, and a force to be reckoned with in the kitchen and home. But ask them to step in and help me? That is a step to far, isn’t it??

There has come a time when events overtake you, and such is the case now, but without a hesitation, they have stood in the gap for me when it was needed, and I didn’t have to ask. Take note, all you lonely dads with daughters, you don’t have to tell then when you need help. They are way ahead of you there, and have already figured it out. You see each side doesn’t want to step in and take away a level of independence, until it is absolutely necessary.

So, my failings are out in the open. My pride, prejudice and independence have taken a much needed knock, but for the best. I have always loved my girls, but I have a new respect and appreciation for them both. They truly are a Godsend, and I don’t use that term lightly. I wasn’t happy with God when He decided that heaven needed the presence of my wife, and although there can never be a substitute, in His infinite wisdom, He gave me two mini-mums who are heaven’s treasures to me. A simple thank you is not enough.

Sunday, 9 December 2018


My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. Psalm51:17NIV

Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me. Psalm69:20NLT

These verses show a stark contrast to the happiness of the Christmas Season. The story of the baby Jesus coming as Immanuel is a tonic to dwell on, and it is important, especially as believers, that we do. However, is everyone happy at this time of year?

Make a mental note. Very many people, and some you know, will hide their broken heart behind a smile, and all I am suggesting is that we recognise that struggle, and be that one who ‘would turn and comfort’. Isn’t it good to know that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart?

It has been brought to my notice very forcefully more recently, that humanly speaking some of my friends struggle especially at this time of year, and there are many valid reasons. It makes it worse because their broken heart is polar opposite to the Christmas theme of joy and happiness, but because of that same atmosphere of laughter and fun, it makes it more difficult to express their sadness. The result is that they withdraw (behind their smile).

So, I urge you to be that desperately needed one who takes note and comes alongside to put your arm around a shoulder and say that you care. You care enough to notice, and care enough to pray to a God who came to earth to become the God-Man who understands our weaknesses, flaws and broken hearts. Have a Happier Christmas my friends!

Saturday, 8 December 2018


definition: A Church stresses the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, personal conversion experiences, Scripture as the sole basis for faith, and active evangelism.

definition: A social club may be a group of people or the place where they meet, generally formed around a common interest, occupation, or activity.

I found myself asking this question recently. What is the real difference between a well run club, and an evangelical church? In a sense there is little difference. Each have a group of people who are interested in being together, united in a common subject or belief. Members, for the most part, will get along nicely with each other and will even meet up outwith the confines of the weekly gathering.

But note the BIG difference that the church has, and no other club can have and that’s the importance of preaching, teaching, telling the way of Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Some clubs are indeed good organisations, eg slimming clubs, keep fit clubs, camera clubs, lunch clubs, drama clubs, book clubs, and even glee clubs. However there is no way that a club will try to become a church. It wouldn’t fit or work, and clubs know this, because they’re savvy.

Why then, should a church want to become, or act like a club? I know some of the arguments for being inclusive in the community, and that we (the church) must try to be more relevant to get interest aroused, and increase attendance. Yes, numbers. I suppose that’s what it is mostly about. Which begs the question: What do you think is the church’s purpose? It’s a very good question, and one that brings different answers. The following verses are true at a personal, as well as a corporate church level.

Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure heap; it is thrown out. Luke14:34,35NIV

Tuesday, 4 December 2018


“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew1:23NLT

It’s not Christmas yet, but December has started and already the festive jumpers are out, trees are up, shops are busy taking our money to the tune of “Jingle Bells”, and the kids are getting excited. The advertising and marketing people are in full swing making jingles to sing, and ‘meaningful advertisements’ to watch. In case you didn’t get the message, TV is filled with afternoon Christmas movies to tug at your heartstrings, and make some of us reach for the tissues.

You can’t fault the children. After all, Christmas has been neatly wrapped up in all the feel good trappings, including the cute and cuddly garden centre santa. I wonder how many know the full story of the baby Jesus coming to earth to save us from the very things we now celebrate. Well meaning mums and dads find themselves in serious debt as they try to stay ahead of the next ‘must have’ toys, games, clothes, perfumes, gadgets, and the list goes on. How can the average parent keep up with the demands of the marketing gurus?

Keep in mind the many children and adults who can’t have, and don’t want, elaborate and expensive gifts under the tree, wrapped in foil and tied in a bow. That is the last thing on their minds. Food, warm clothing, physical safety, and a real comfy bed are uppermost in their minds, probably along with the weight of the loss of a dear family member.

The Christian is in a privileged position because they know the real reason for the season, and it’s not ‘things’ but a person in the form of a helpless baby. That tiny boy grew up to be vilified, abused, wrongly accused, and eventually crucified as an innocent 33 year old. But, we praise God that it didn’t end there because he rose from the tomb, ascended into heaven, and is now with His Father God. The best part to all Christians is that Jesus is now here with us in the form of His Holy Spirit. IMMANUEL GOD WITH US.

While you are enjoying the gifts, food, family, tree and tinsel, remember the reason for the season is God with us, IMMANUEL! It is worth noting that the name was given before Jesus was even born. God’s plan of salvation was already in place. Thank you Lord.

Monday, 3 December 2018


When checking out a property to buy, you can’t always depend on the frontage. The house can look good, and actually be good on the outside but it’s only when you put the key in the lock, open the door, and look inside that you get the full picture. The homeowners that I know, all make sure the garden is neat, grass trimmed, flower beds weeded regularly, and window frames painted etc.. The reason is simple. It sends the message that the interior will be as well cared for as the exterior, and that is normally true.

There are certain times of the year when we like to make sure everybody sees a good exterior, and that is as true for us, as for any property. Christmas is one of those times. While the world’s picture of ‘sweetness and light’ conveyed through our TV and other media is nice, it is not the full picture either. To get that, you must have a key to the front door and be inside to have a look around.

In the darker corners you will find a mixture of tears, regrets, grief, sorrows, sadness, and a fear of letting anyone else into your secret life. As long as you can keep eyes looking at the outside smile, you can hide behind the real you. And anyway, who apart from direct family, really knows, notices or cares? This is the time when our greatest comfort comes from the knowledge that God, the only one who really matters, sees the heart and knows the real you. The truth is, that’s more important than all the others who look from a safe distance, don’t get to the front door, or ask for a key. Isn’t it a comfort to know not only that God has a key, but also has free access to the hidden secrets of your heart?

The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1Samuel17:7NIV

Sunday, 2 December 2018


The problems of climate change, its causes and effects as understood by scientists has been accepted by the majority of citizens across the world, with the exception of a few very vocal and politically prominent dissenters. If we do nothing, and go on living and behaving as we have been these recent decades, the outlook is dire. It’s dire for the planet we live on, and the populations both rich and poor who inhabit it. Some have called it the ‘Doomsday Scenario’.

There are groups of campaigners and scientists leading the charge against fossil fuels, plastics, greenhouse gasses, air and sea pollution, melting icecaps, CO2 emissions, etc etc.. These are not cranks, but good people who want to do something to halt or reverse the current trends which take us down the slippery slope to doomsday. The people at the vanguard of these groups of campaigners are passionate about their cause, and rightly so.

I will be having knee surgery soon. Imagine my horror when I am wheeled into the theatre, ready for the anaesthesia when I recognise the man holding the scalpel as my friend the supermarket customer services manager. Don’t worry about this David, I am passionate about surgery and have read up on the intricacies of this operation, so you are safe and in good hands. Google is an amazing source of information he assures me before I drop off to sleep. Would I be happy? You bet your life I’m not happy. He is a really nice guy, but he is not qualified or trained for medical surgery. His training is in customer satisfaction.

The point is this. There are many well qualified scientists leading the fight against climate change. If anyone wants to trust them and follow, that’s great, but please don’t lead anyone to believe your passion makes you qualified to speak with authority on any subject other than the area of expertise you hold that certificate or qualification you studied hard for. Otherwise you dilute the significance and importance of your real area of knowledge and wisdom. Instead of shouting from the touchline, or behaving like a armchair critic, please stick to your own subject. In the case of Paul’s advice to Timothy, if you are a minister of the Gospel, then ‘Preach the Word...with careful instruction’. That’s your strength, no other! Each to their own!

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 2Timothy4:2NIV

Saturday, 1 December 2018

The Pendulum

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. James1:5-8NIV

A double-minded person is unreliable, unhelpful, or as James puts it, ‘unstable’. Jesus’ half brother links that unstable mind to doubt, and warns that they should not expect God to work on their behalf. It would be a sad curse indeed if we could not expect to receive anything from the Lord because we doubted that He was capable of help.

In the same way, a pendulum will swing from one side to the other, never finding the truth in the middle, or rest long enough to sense or feel it. When the pendulum in my living room clock stops swinging, the clock stops too and becomes useless. Who needs a clock that doesn’t tell the time?

I am old enough to remember society having a set of moral and ethical values which were considered as ‘normal’. It wasn’t that we walked around with a set of rules in our pockets, we seemed to be wise enough to know right from wrong. Fast forward a short two generations, and that pendulum has swung to the other extreme. We are double-minded and unstable, but the leadership of our western civilised nations don’t, or can’t, see it. Surely we have been here before though?

It has been said, correctly I think, that “the one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history”. Cast your mind back to your high school history lessons and ask yourself what came just before the fall of every great nation, country, or civilisation? In every case, the moral compass of the people collapsed into a level of evil and debased living which was not accepted or practiced previously. The pendulum had indeed swung, and the populations in general had become double-minded and unstable.

I hope, trust, and pray that the pendulum of our nation’s sinful practices has reached its extreme, and will soon start the return swing back towards the God fearing country we once knew. As christians we know that God hates double minded people, but loves it when we follow His law. Lord, help us to be single minded with our focus on You.

I hate double-minded people, but I love your law. Psalms119:113NIV