Wednesday 26 December 2018


What is Christmas to you? Does it have the deeper meaning that goes beyond the white fur lined red suit worn by a cheery, red faced,white bearded portly man? I hope so. This post was started on Christmas day, and already I have seen Christmas in action.

While out at the local cemetery to think and reflect, I couldn’t help but notice the number of people coming out of cars into the cold foggy morning air to do the same. It’s a time to look back on our loved ones who are not here now to enjoy this happy time. For some, this is a very sad time, and a ‘Happy Christmas’ is nowhere to be heard. But among the still grieving, there were the children running around in the happy spirit of the day, grasping one of their gifts that appeared under the tree earlier this morning. Children have a very simple view of Christmas, and at times I envy them.

As I drove home, there was the well dressed teenager, very carefully carrying a few gifts in his arms, looking worried that he might drop one. Let me speculate. He was too young to be married, and too old to be the simple child we spoke about earlier. My thinking is that he was on his way to the love of his young life, bearing presents that he hopes she will like. To top his appearance off (literally) he was sporting a white fur trimmed red hat with a white bauble on top. He didn’t care who saw him, because his mind (and possibly heart) was already taken elsewhere with thoughts of love. A carer was making her way from a house where she would have tended to the needs of someone who would not get through the day without her. There was a group of working men in and around a big hole in the ground, I suspect trying to fix a problem which affected the community. And then small groups of families walking to meet, greet, and give gifts to their own, perhaps to enjoy Christmas dinner.

A happy tradition carried on in my daughters, is the Christmas family dinner where mums, dads, children, grandparents and friends are all invited to sit round the big table to enjoy the food lovingly prepared for this particular occasion. When the normal seating is all used, out come the stools and the odd chairs, so that everyone is included and welcome. This doesn’t happen at any other time of year, so everybody joins in the fun, wearing those funny hats from the Christmas cracker and telling the jokes printed on the slip of paper for your enjoyment. If you are fortunate, you might even get a little plastic toy or puzzle to show around.

Eventually, there comes the time to push back from the table having eaten more than you should have, and after loosening your now too tight belt a few notches for comfort, the clearing up begins. The presents stacked under the tree and wrapped so carefully, are ripped open to reveal the needed, wanted, and funny gifts we love. There is coloured wrapping paper strewn everywhere that also needs to be gathered up by the host and/or hostess. After weeks of preparation and planning this lovely slap up meal, it is over so quickly for another year. Chances are we'll do it all again, because it brings us closer together!

It’s a good idea to use the ‘why’ question often asked by young children who want to understand something. They keep on asking ‘why’ until they are satisfied, and only then do they stop asking. Why the gifts? Why sing those same Carols every year? Why the decorated tree? Why the celebration? Why santa, and where does he fit in? Why was all this started in the first place? Asking the searching ‘why’ questions always brings you back to the baby Jesus born into the poverty of an occupied land. To many, His chances of survival would seem slim, but survive He did, and more than that! This helpless baby born to poor parents would grow up into a miracle working, death defying, life changing Saviour. In the space of some 33 years this Jesus would do no wrong, but ironically be murdered in cold blood for His selfless, pure life. But the story doesn’t end there. The God-man defeated death, rose from the grave, and only after being seen by multitudes of people, went back to God His Father where He is now interceding on our behalf. This life is well documented in the Gospels and secular writings so there is no doubt in the sure foundation of our salvation.

Let’s live as though every day is Christmas Day!

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