Tuesday 4 December 2018


“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew1:23NLT

It’s not Christmas yet, but December has started and already the festive jumpers are out, trees are up, shops are busy taking our money to the tune of “Jingle Bells”, and the kids are getting excited. The advertising and marketing people are in full swing making jingles to sing, and ‘meaningful advertisements’ to watch. In case you didn’t get the message, TV is filled with afternoon Christmas movies to tug at your heartstrings, and make some of us reach for the tissues.

You can’t fault the children. After all, Christmas has been neatly wrapped up in all the feel good trappings, including the cute and cuddly garden centre santa. I wonder how many know the full story of the baby Jesus coming to earth to save us from the very things we now celebrate. Well meaning mums and dads find themselves in serious debt as they try to stay ahead of the next ‘must have’ toys, games, clothes, perfumes, gadgets, and the list goes on. How can the average parent keep up with the demands of the marketing gurus?

Keep in mind the many children and adults who can’t have, and don’t want, elaborate and expensive gifts under the tree, wrapped in foil and tied in a bow. That is the last thing on their minds. Food, warm clothing, physical safety, and a real comfy bed are uppermost in their minds, probably along with the weight of the loss of a dear family member.

The Christian is in a privileged position because they know the real reason for the season, and it’s not ‘things’ but a person in the form of a helpless baby. That tiny boy grew up to be vilified, abused, wrongly accused, and eventually crucified as an innocent 33 year old. But, we praise God that it didn’t end there because he rose from the tomb, ascended into heaven, and is now with His Father God. The best part to all Christians is that Jesus is now here with us in the form of His Holy Spirit. IMMANUEL GOD WITH US.

While you are enjoying the gifts, food, family, tree and tinsel, remember the reason for the season is God with us, IMMANUEL! It is worth noting that the name was given before Jesus was even born. God’s plan of salvation was already in place. Thank you Lord.

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