Sunday 9 December 2018


My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. Psalm51:17NIV

Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me. Psalm69:20NLT

These verses show a stark contrast to the happiness of the Christmas Season. The story of the baby Jesus coming as Immanuel is a tonic to dwell on, and it is important, especially as believers, that we do. However, is everyone happy at this time of year?

Make a mental note. Very many people, and some you know, will hide their broken heart behind a smile, and all I am suggesting is that we recognise that struggle, and be that one who ‘would turn and comfort’. Isn’t it good to know that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart?

It has been brought to my notice very forcefully more recently, that humanly speaking some of my friends struggle especially at this time of year, and there are many valid reasons. It makes it worse because their broken heart is polar opposite to the Christmas theme of joy and happiness, but because of that same atmosphere of laughter and fun, it makes it more difficult to express their sadness. The result is that they withdraw (behind their smile).

So, I urge you to be that desperately needed one who takes note and comes alongside to put your arm around a shoulder and say that you care. You care enough to notice, and care enough to pray to a God who came to earth to become the God-Man who understands our weaknesses, flaws and broken hearts. Have a Happier Christmas my friends!

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