Tuesday 11 May 2010

Nick Clegg, Used Car Salesman?

Nick Clegg  The deal has been done, thanks mostly to this Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, however  the question on most people's lips is, "Would YOU buy a used car from this man?" He has done a fair (or very unfair) bit of wheeling and dealing to get to this place. I have never seen so much double talk and double dealing from one politician, to make sure he became 'top dog' and it has been 'dog eat dog' as he aimed for the top!

Having played each bigger political party against the another, using the old tools of half truths, and keeping the other party in the dark, he has emerged as a politician to watch, but for all the wrong reasons. Who can trust him now? Not his enemies, but certainly those he will share the cabinet table with. The old proverb is suitable, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer still". People who will work with Nick Clegg, can be excused if they are seen to be continually looking over their shoulder.... or to put it another way, minding their backs! 

Our nation is at a crossroads, and we need strong leadership, not a coalition which includes a 'wide boy' who has been shown to have no morals or scruples. I think we should be afraid, very afraid! The good book says, "A double minded man is unstable in ALL his ways". If this is accurate, there will be other flaws in his character, and we should be on the lookout for them in the coming days! Trust is hard to achieve, but easy to lose!

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