Wednesday 5 May 2010

Marriage it is NOT!

mar·riage (Dictionary Definition)

The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

Quote: The Tories will consider the case for renaming same-sex civil partnerships as ‘marriages’. Yesterday Tory equalities spokeswoman Theresa May launched a document that stated a Conservative-led government would “consider the case for changing the law to allow civil partnerships to be called and classified as marriage.”
Ok, so now we know that the door is open. Not just ajar, but open. There was no shouting, no debate, no discussion, the minority has spoken, we bowed, and we have fallen like a house of cards. Like a domino rally, all in a row, one moral standard after another. I remember being told by those who advocated civil partnerships, that this could never be thought of as a marriage, all that was wanted was civil equality in matters of state. Well, well, it hasn't worked has it? What happened while we slept on our watch? The enemy has got in, and we will reap the results and regret in leisure.  

I don't know about you, but I am getting tired of tip-toeing around the PC culture we have created, which we all thought was going to protect us. Instead this one way tolerance has brought us to see changes which would have been unthought of a mere 30 years ago. And all the while the clock ticks, time passes, more bad law is introduced, and we tut-tut and moan about them.

We have now successfully reduced the sanctity of marriage to a mere joining of two people, and it doesn't have to be a man and woman. It might as well be a man and a chicken (or a woman and a turkey) for all it means now! To cap it all, this is being considered by the political party who is supposed to be the guardian of family values. Who are we kidding? 

I started to blog about the moral position of the politicians, as we head towards the General Election. Now this eleventh hour statement which will tickle the ears of the 'social progressives', but make the other normal voters wonder, what comes next. The polls seem to show that the Conservatives will win this election, so now we must... watch this space!! 

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