Monday 10 May 2010

Hung or Balanced?

"We will work in the country's best interest". If I hear those words again, the TV might end up in the garden. I am beginning to ask myself if these politicians button up the back, or worse if they think we do! While these top leaders smile and say those words, they remain loyal to their own political beliefs and themes. 
An older statesman said that "these guys are tribal, and when the dust settles, they will become tribal again". That about sums it up. To get to the top level in politics, there are some characteristics which are essential, and being a master of deceit is top of that list. They also need to have an ego the size of Dumbarton Rock, so although the Tories and the Lib Dems are in 'unity' discussions, we need to bear in mind that they are there for their own good, and if it happens to appear to be in the national interest, then all to the good, but the national interest does not come first.
Meanwhile the Cinderella of the piece, Gordon Brown, is waiting in the wings for his 'knight' to give him a call to save him too. So where is the national interest here? I just wanted the election to be the end of the whole thing, but we have to suffer it longer now. Most commentators suggest there will be another UK election in a matter of months, so we will have to go through it all again, so what does that tell you about the permanence of the best arrangement the senior politicians can come up with? Not a lot, eh?
Back to the subject. Hung or balanced? Ah, but does that relate to the parliament, or the politicians? You decide....

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