Thursday 20 May 2010

Legal Technicality

When a smart lawyer goes into the defence of his client on a 'legal technicality' you know then the defence is in trouble, and they have no real hard evidence to use which will help his client. In other words they look for a loophole. Nothing to do with the crime, but a point of law. When a criminal gets off under these circumstances, I wonder about the law, but also about the integrity of the so called lawyers!

And so, we hear today that BA has lost its appeal on the validity of the striking Unite workers who form the British Airways Cabin Crews. BA, and for this we can safely and accurately substitute the chairman Willie Walsh, hung their defence on a legal technicality, a point of law. Nothing to do with the dispute which separates the two warring sides, but a court case to decide about 11 spoiled voting papers. Willie Walsh took the union to court over 11 spoiled papers!

I have not usually been on the side of the usual union led strikes, but in this case, BA lost it themselves, and their credibility with it. It becomes patently clear that the one and possibly only thing in Walsh's mind is to bring down the union. The trouble is, in using this kind of tactic, he has lost the fight, and lost any moral high ground he thought he had.

There are no winners in this dispute, but I think it has come to the time for Willie Walsh to step down, and do the only decent thing he can. He hasn't done many decent things up until now, so this is his time. In the battle for the hearts, minds and support of the people of the country, and of the employees he is supposed to have in his care, the quicker he gets off his high horse, and goes into early retirement, the better. But don't worry about his future. It is secure. He will enjoy a very large pension, a very golden handshake, and possibly another top job where he can upset even more employees. Who said it was fair?

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