Monday 30 July 2012


For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

Society is quite robust, and can withstand a lot, but have you noticed the recent onslaught of challenges to the fabric of our society? One thing to cope with at a time is bad enough, but when they come in groups, every one serious, we can see the signs of a crumbling community. Each one taken on its own is a full subject for a blog, but taken together? Can we survive? Let me list a few of these issues:

>>Same sex marriage, where we are being asked by all governments of all persuasions to embrace equality of gender, inclusiveness, and reinterpret or discard the Word of God. This has also found its way into the general church which is seriously debating whether to allow practicing homosexuals to be their ministers of the Gospel. The UK and Scottish governments have decided to legalise homosexual marriage. A sad, misguided and immoral decision.  

>>Unchallenged murder (known as mercy killing, right to die, or euthenasia) is in the UK news now where heart rending illnesses make an articulate man ask for the right that his wife be allowed to murder him under existing law. (The words of Law Lords, not mine.)

>>Legalising or relaxing hard drugs penalties which will allow heroin and cocaine to be brought into the open, thus decriminalising the users.

>>Legalising or relaxing prostitution laws in our towns and cities, so that the police do not come down so heavily on those who are just ‘working girls’ after all, or their users.

>>Relaxation of adult content which can be shown after the 9pm watershed on TV, after all what harm does it do? We are told there is no proven link between TV adult programming, pornography, and sex crimes against the weak and vulnerable.

>>Honour Killings in some Asian families, as seen in a current court case, and where we should remember that a few cities are advocating the introduction of Muslim Sharia Law in parallel with the established UK Law and Order legislation.

These are a few of my own thoughts. You may have others, but the worry for me is where will the morality our society be in 20 years, if the Lord does not return before then? What are we leaving for our children and grandchildren? All of these examples may not happen in the next 20 years, but be sure, some of them will. What will we do to stay this evil from happening? Let me leave you with a quote:
All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”   
                 - Edmund Burke.

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