Saturday 7 July 2012

Dancing Hearts

Then David danced before the Lord with all his might. 2 Sam 6:14 NKJV

I could never claim to be a dancer. Being brought up in a church, which in earlier days frowned on the physical contact of dancing, I was almost glad for the excuse it gave me not to dance! The phrase, ‘two left feet’ comes to mind, and in my case is very true. However, there are some people who seem to be able to ‘dance’ their way through their troubles, and I am not talking about a physical dance now. Have you noticed who does the best dancing? Having looked around me, and with some of life’s experiences under my belt, I noticed that even the most unlikely, disadvantaged ‘two left feet’ movers make the best dancers.

Putting my thoughts on this website is a privilege, and contact allows me to cross paths with some folks I do not know well, or whom I have never met. However, some of my new friends are inspirational dancers in their own right. I don’t want to embarrass anyone so a name is not necessary, but recently I have been blessed to have had contact from a ‘mad dancer’ (not my description)! Bearing a serious illness, which does not have a good future in human terms, this Christian dances through troubles, which are not small, and are not few. This ability to dance comes from God alone. I also have had personal experience of sharing life with another of life’s dancers who almost waltzed her way through big problems, as though they were not real, or did not count, but they were real, did count, and the dance happened anyway. That kind of dance is a witness to the power of a transforming God, and cannot be minimised.

This world is not our home if we claim Christ as Savour, but neither is our body. And while we are at it, our kind of dancing is not limited to fit or healthy bodies either. We can dance ‘to the Lord’ like David, and when we do, others will see and take notice. I have witnessed it before, and just this week I recognised it again. So, thank you God for allowing us to witness those believers who will dance anyway, in spite of many (human) reasons not to. Oh yes, I might still have two left feet down here, but I do plan to dance one day, just like the other David in the verse. Oh yes, what a day that will be for dancing hearts!

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