Saturday 10 April 2010

Marriage and Commitment

Labour and Lib Dem election chiefs have attacked Tory plans to give low-income married couples a tax break of £150.

There are many sides to this argument, and depending on your own circumstances, will like the plan or hate it! I find the responses from the opposing parties, say more about their 'moral politics' than the announcement of the tax break!

Labour says,"If you're a widow you get this money taken away from you and if a woman's husband beats her up and she leaves him, she loses out as well." This says nothing about the commitment of a couple who are in it for the long haul, and show a moral conviction.

Lib Dem says, "The proposal from the Conservatives for tax breaks for marriage are patronising drivel that belong in the Edwardian age".

Why is it that the opposition parties are only good at that? Opposing? How about tackling the long term family neglect that this country has suffered over the past number of years? How about supporting the single most important institution in any society, marriage?

I would say on this one point, two parties have shot themselves in the foot. I know the election outcome will depend on more than one issue, but it is one of the moral points where they all speak clearly, and are counted! 

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