Thursday 8 April 2010


I am one of those people who watches and listens to the news and current affairs, and yes even politics! I, like you, am expected to vote on the 6th May, and don't get me wrong, I will!! I will vote because it's my democratic right, and because living a democracy is a lot better than not living in one. No matter how bad our system is, it is better than none at all.

So what's the problem? I'll tell you. They have only started... all of them... and they seem to be bankrupt on a couple of key issues. They are telling us that the country is bankrupt, and that we will have to make sacrifices, and that they (the politicians) will have to make 'tough choices', no matter who gets into number 10. That's their favourite saying. Now none of them want to tell us the whole, bad news. It's not good politics. 

The bankruptcy is not only on the economy. Our politicians are bankrupt. They all say that all the others' sums 'don't add up', so that means they all stand accused of not being able to count. They all also say that they have the answer, and that the others don't. To my mind, that means they are all bad at sums, but they are also morally lacking as well. What is it about politicians, that they can never give credit for a good idea that someone else has? Whoever gets into number 10 will undoubtedly use some of their 'enemy's' policies. They (not us) have just emerged from the worst expenses scandal to hit the Westminster Parliament in 200 years, so what is it about the words, "... we don't trust you..." that they don't understand? They must all be thinking it applies to everyone else, and not them. The old saying, "..abodys oot o' step but oor Jock..." seems to apply here.

Yes, in spite of that, I will still vote on May 6th, but they don't make it easy, do they? I wonder if that's deliberate?

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