Monday 5 April 2010

Christian and Buddhist Values.

There have been two highly publicised issues of morality in the media for the last few months. The case of the Roman Catholic church coming to terms with the horrific instances of child abuse by its clergy in many countries over the years, and the adulterous indiscretions of the world's most renowned Buddhist, golfer Tiger Woods.

Both the Catholic Church, and Tiger Woods took some time to accept that the problem existed, and that they had been caught, but once caught, what are the differences between their actions? It should be noted that in both cases, the media had the story well covered. There was nowhere to hide for the Church, or the Tiger.

Tiger Woods is a Buddhist, and was brought up in that tradition. It must be emphasised that the Buddhist does not believe in a 'god', but that enlightenment comes from within, and the examination and improvement of the true values inside. They believe in, among other things, true faithfulness to your wife or husband. That is clear teaching, and not up for debate. Tiger recognised his failing, horrendous as it is, and went to get help, using his 'faith' (It is not a religion, it is a way of living), and voluntary rehab to address his problem. He freely confesses to his wrongdoing and is trying to put it right in the eyes of his wife and family. He is actively working at it.

The Roman Catholic Church seems to remain in a state of denial, where even a senior advisor to the Pope has said they 'will not listen to the idle gossip of the media'. There have been many, many evidences of child abuse, and in several countries by priests, who were known, but not reported. They were hidden, and protected by the church they served. There also seems to be documentary evidence of a church cover up. A scandal in any religious organisation is a serious and damaging thing, especially when the damaged ones are children! The Christian Church of all denominations is weakened by this, but oddly also has the answer in its own teaching of confession and repentance and forgiveness.

Why is it that a 'godless' Buddhist golfer can see his failing, and actively pursue his repentance as he tries to put his life right, but one of the Church of Christ cannot? The world watches as a Buddhist uses his teaching to get peace of mind, and inner peace, but the place where the answers should be so obvious, cannot get past the first hurdle of confession? Real confession. Specific confession. Made and addressed directly to the victims who need it most. We should remember that the victims are not the Priests, but the children, many now adults who live with the scars of the past. Betrayed in the very place and by the very people who should have been their sanctuary!  

A lot of people will watch, and unfortunately be steered away from the church, by the church itself, into the waiting arms of a 'godless' system of beliefs. I know full well that there have been many instances of corruption and various kinds of abuses carried out in the name of many churches, but the difference is supposed to be Christ's doctrine of confession, repentance and forgiveness. Why is it lacking in the largest Christian organisation in the world?

In the words of an old book, 'What Would Jesus Do'? I think we all know the answer to that question, so why doesn't the professing 'body of Christ', in the words of Nike, ... Just Do It!! 

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