Monday, 30 August 2010

Dangerous Dogs

A 10-year-old girl is in hospital in Dundee after being attacked by two Rottweiler dogs in the street. The incident happened as Rhianna Kidd was riding her bike. Rhianna's grandmother, who lives in the area, ran from her house to help. A passing motorist also sounded his horn to try to distract the dogs. The little girl was taken to Ninewells Hospital in the city.
It's that time of year again. Sometime during the summer, a child will be mauled or killed by a family pet, or in this case, pets! Where was the owner? Why were the dogs not on a lead? Why were they allowed free rein in a public place? So many questions, and so few answers. If the wee girl was riding a bike, the dogs had to scare her enough to get her off the bike, or even knocked her off, before attacking her, and putting her in hospital for injuries including a broken jaw, and re-constructive surgery. These dogs are BIG, and that's an understatement. Certainly much too big for a 10 year old to fight or run away from.
Have you seen some of the dog owners? Do you not think they are sometimes an extension of their personality? Maybe even look like their dog (or is it the other way around)? I am talking in general, so please don't give me the odd exception. The choice of dog may even come down to an image thing, where the owner wants to be seen with a certain kind of dog. You don't usually see little old ladies with Rottweilers, do you? And big macho tattoo'd bouncers don't usually own a poodle, do they? 
I hope this silly season of dog attacks is over soon. I suppose it's not really the dog's fault. Maybe we should take firm action against dog owners whose wee family pet attacks and maims a human. These dog owners made a choice in the dog they own, so they should live with the consequences of their inability to train them, and keep them under control. So, after putting the dog(s) down, the owner should be made to visit and pay for the victim's medical injuries, while they work voluntarily for an animal shelter, on the days allowed out of prison. Yes, I think a month or two in jail is in order too. Where do our sympathies really lie? With the dog, or the dog owner, or the victim?... Careful how you answer!


There are 33 miners trapped in a mine in Chile, and could be there until Christmas before being freed. There are over 20 million people homeless and injured and dead in Pakistan as flood waters take their toll on human life. And then there is the story of a woman who pets a cat, then opens a bin and puts it in there until the owner rescues it some hours later.

Which story gets the most news attention? Which is seen as 'interesting'? Which one has had over 2 million hits on You Tube? Yes, the cat in the bin story! Fortunately, the cat did not die or suffer before being rescued, but the lady who took leave of her senses for an instant, has had vigilante groups round her house, and has even had death threats by phone, letter, email and text. We seem to be more obsessed by the plight of an animal, than we are in the suffering and plight of human beings who are in real need.

It says a lot about the mindset of the UK population, and even further afield, that we take the 'cat in a bin' story to heart so much so that it arouses the wish to see the woman dead. She has apologised, and admits she doesn't know what came over her. At this point I have to ask in all seriousness, how many of us have wanted to do the same thing with a pest of a pet, who leaves smelly messages in our garden, keeps us awake at night, or strikes fear in the hearts of unsuspecting children? The only difference between us, and the woman in this case, is that she did it! Not only that she got caught! The story would never have got anywhere if a CCTV camera was not being used for other reasons and caught the lady in the act. It was then released to the media, and you know the rest of the story. It might never have been a media scoop otherwise.

Let's try to get our minds on the important things in life. That's human beings as they live, die and suffer. I am sorry to have to remind you, but a cat is an animal, no matter how much a part of the family you feel it to be. When it comes to the lady in the news, it reminds me of the old saying, "There but for the grace of God, go I". I think a bit of open honesty would not go wrong as we think about this story. Let it go, and instead worry, concentrate and give to those people who need it most. There is a big difference between a cat in a bin, and 33 miners in an earthen grave in Chile, or orphaned children in Pakistan. Get real!!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Humans versus Environmental Impact

The horrific story of 33 miners in Chile being trapped underground has been reported.
The 33 Chilean miners trapped deep underground have been told they may not be rescued for several months, the country's health minister has said.
Jaime Manalich said the miners, trapped 700m below ground since 5 August, had reacted calmly, AFP news agency said. Officials had delayed breaking the news out of concern for their mental well-being. A special exercise and recreation programme is being set up to keep the men fit during their long wait. 

Related stories

They will also need to be in shape to be pulled up the 66cm (26 inches) wide shaft that is being bored to rescue them. That may take up to four months to complete.
There is some media interest in the fact that 33 human beings are trapped underground, and will be for several months to come. However, the attention is not nearly the same as that given to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster, which even got the folks in the USA so fired up that their President got involved, and was instrumental in getting the CEO fired, and establishing a fund from bp to clean up the environment they messed! I have no problem with the USA getting involved to help their own people who had lost their livelihood, but where is the same passion now?
I am asking myself, what do our leaders care more about, human life, or oil on some ducks and fish? I know I am simplifying things here, but that's what it boils down to. Looking back on the bp oil spill, there was not a lot of time spent reporting the loss of human life, just the environmental impact. Have we lost something here? Should we not be addressing the need to get these men out, and supporting their waiting families? By all reports, it will take as long to release these miners from their earthy dungeon, as it did to cap the gushing oil well. Cast your mind back to the anger and emotion expressed in the USA because the oil was continuing to damage wildlife. The images were never off our TV screens. Is it too much to ask that some of that passion is harnessed to help get these men out faster? There are obvious similarities between the two disasters, and the ultimate solution is to bore a relief well which will eventually get them out, while using small bore wells to provide essential support, medicine and food. Who knows what state these miners will be in by the time they are freed at Christmas? Does it matter?
Which is more important? Oil or human life? You decide!

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Common Sense - An Obituary

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has  been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since  his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be  remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain;  Why the early bird gets the worm;  Life isn't always fair;  and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more  than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in  charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job  that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent  to administer sun lotion or an Aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and  criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her  lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his  wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
I Know My Rights
I Want It Now
Someone Else Is To Blame
I'm A Victim

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, you will mourn his passing. If not, join the majority and do nothing.


Take a look at the following press release by the UK Drug Policy Commission.

Don't label heroin users as 'junkies' - Drug Commission

People should stop calling heroin users "junkies" or "addicts", an influential think tank on drugs has said.

The UK Drug Policy Commission said such names stigmatised users and made it more difficult to get off drugs.

A report suggested that the policing of drugs on the streets and methadone programmes forcing users to go to chemists were "publicly humiliating".

Instead, the report said that British society needed to show more compassion towards drug users.

Authors of the six-month study said the terms "junkie" and "addict" were distrustful and judgmental and led to feelings of low self-worth among drug users.

You may have your own opinion about hard drug users, and you may sympathise with the commission's approach in not wanting them to feel low self esteem, but I don't share it. A junkie got there by choice. Maybe he or she was misled and gave in to peer pressure, but it was a choice. Once the choice has been made, they are going down a spiral into the gutter. Please don't tell me they didn't understand the risks. Of course they did. Maybe they didn't believe the risks were real, but that was another choice. There are many young people faced with peer pressure to do drugs, but they 'just say no'.

Why the sudden rush to feel sorry for the people in our society who steal from their family to support their addiction? These same people are at the Primary School gates looking for a buyer, who may just be your son, daughter, or grandchild. They are also at High Schools and Colleges and Universities. They are on the dole queue, waiting to collect their benefit. They will injure and kill if the conditions are right for them. The news is full of cases of murder in local communities, because of junkies. Weapons like knives, swords, pistols and rifles are weapons of choice where junkies try to protect their income and addiction. They overload our court systems and prisons. The give the police service a headache as they try to deal with them, and they appear at the Hospital Emergency Rooms having been in fights, maybe even with other junkie friends.

So lets not stigmatise them? Lets try to protect their low self worth? Lets stop embarrassing them by making them stand in a chemist shop waiting for their methodone, which by the way is also provided free for them, by the state (that's you and me)? It took six months of study for this think tank to come up with these recommendations. It would have served them better to have spent the time with the victims of the junkie's many crimes. Let's start to recognise and protect the victims, and not the junkies. After all they gave the name to themselves, by choice.

What happens to those many people who, through no fault of their own, and not through choice, have life threatening diseases like cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, etc etc? If the junkies feel stigmatised by their treatment, the solution is easy. Remove all the money they get on services, benefits and treatment, including these so called 'think tanks', and divert it to those areas of medical need just mentioned. After all, they really do need it more, and would certainly appreciate it more! When it comes down to who deserves the help, it certainly isn't the junkie!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Wishes and Angels.

I have come across a website, called which seems to operate against the usual 'gimme' culture of our modern society. We are so used to looking after number one, that we sometimes forget that there are many, many people in much worse situations than ourselves.

This website is quite revolutionary, because it gives the ordinary man or woman a chance to make a difference in someone's life by donating as an 'angel' to other folks 'wishes'. And here's the good bit, you can look through the 'wishes' and decide which one or ones you want to help! If you take a look, you can see real need, and help, or decide it's not for you. It's totally voluntary.

I like the thinking behind the operation. Many people can give a little to build up the fund to provide something which is needed, or maybe even just wanted. The real benefit in the process, to me, is the chance to give, and not just look for something to get. Oh, by the way, you can even ask for something yourself as a wisher, and if enough people sympathise with that wish, it can be granted by other angels too. It's effectively a two way street. It deserves to succeed.

The cost to join is nothing. The price of helping to grant a wish as an angel is a mere £4. Yes, that's right, £4. Now you tell me what £4 can buy you? Not a lot, but it might just be enough to buy someone less fortunate some happiness, and make them smile. It might just bring a smile to your face too. Go on, you know you want to! Log on to and take a look. The most it could cost is £4, but it could change a life for ever, maybe even your own.   

Friday, 20 August 2010

Life Isn't Fair

The 20th of August is important for two similar, but also very different reasons. My wife, a very special lady, lost her life to cancer almost three years ago. She would have been a very young, sprightly and active wife, mum and gran had she survived that terrible disease. This date will always be remembered for the great loss of a lovely, kind and warm person.

A year ago on the same date, the Locherbie bomber, Abdel Baset Ali Al Megrahi was granted compassionate release from his life sentence for blowing up Pan Am Flight 103, taking hundreds of lives with it. He was found guilty of the crime. I have made no secret of my opinion that the decision to release him to go back to his own country was wrong. He was given 3 months to live, and now a year later he is still alive. That is where life isn't fair. Compare the life of my wife, who only did good, to the bomber who blew a plane and it's passengers out of the sky, in an act of terrorism, and got a hero's welcome when he arrived home in Libya.

The debate and argument rages again, one year on from his release. I have even heard people say they wish him to be dead, and the sooner the better. He has lived too long! At the moment he has lived 4 times longer than the doctors thought. No, life is not fair, and I don't agree with his release, but I do not wish him dead for the convenience of some politicians who are being questioned on the basis for the release decision.

It has often been repeated that compassion is a part of the Scottish judicial system, and that is good and right, even when some decisions may be open to question, but please let's not wish anyone dead. That wish and desire is held and used in the countries like the USA who still use capital punishment. They wish the criminal dead, and they pass that judgement. With the faults we have in Scotland, let's not be tempted to change it for the barbarism of wishing someone dead, and let's keep that compassion alive.

And whoever said that life was fair anyway? Certainly not in this life. One thing is for sure, after death, the real reward or judgement is passed out by a higher court than any on this earth. My wife has her reward now, and Megrahi will also be given his 'reward'. Then life will be fair!!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Dogs and Dog Owners

The following article doesn't need anything else added.... Dog owners take note.......

A little girl could lose her eye because of an infection contracted from dog mess left in a playground.

Amiee Langdon with her mother Suzanne
Amiee Langdon with her mother, Suzanne. (Photo: MEN Syndication)
Toddler Amiee Langdon, who will be two years old next week, put her hand in faeces when she fell over in a park.
Before her mother Suzanne could react, the little girl wiped her left eye with the same hand.
Ms Langdon, a 29-year-old nurse from Fallowfield, Manchester, rushed to clean the eye and rinsed it with warm water once they returned home.
Amiee's condition is the consequence of some thoughtless dog owner.
Suzanne Langdon
But it was too late to stop Amiee contracting an infection calledtoxocariasis, which is caused by parasitic worms in dog mess.
The toddler's eye subsequently swelled up, becoming purple and inflamed.
Amiee was admitted to hospital where she was immediately put on antibiotics.
But, if they do not work, she will need surgery to remove the eye so the infection does not spread to her brain, which - in extreme cases - could lead to death.
I hope this makes irresponsible dog owners understand the very real consequences of failing to pick up after their dogs.
Paul Andrews, Manchester City Council
Amiee was playing in a gated children's area of Platt Fields Park, Fallowfield, when she fell over.
Ms Langdon said: "Amiee's condition is the consequence of some thoughtless dog owner.
"It's awful. There is a sign saying 'No dogs' near the entrance to the play area, but it seems people are ignoring it. Councils must get tough."
Paul Andrews, of neighbourhood services at Manchester City Council, said: "I hope this extremely upsetting incident makes irresponsible dog owners understand the very real consequences of failing to pick up after their dogs.
"We are thinking about this little girl and her family and we hope she makes a speedy recovery."

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Good Children Make Good Parents

I used to question the validity of that statement, which was made to us about our own children many years ago now. It was made by a respected friend who had been getting to know us while we were all living in America. At first I put it down to one of those sayings which had no real depth or meaning, but now I think differently. I believe it to be true.

Yes, at first the tables are turned. Your children are young, and you try to be good parents, so you try to make good children. You do your best to give values, manners, and just good common sense into their young lives, and that works for a while. But years pass, and your values, may not become your children's values. Your ideals may not be shared by your children as they find their own way in life, and that is normal, and to be expected. I have seen parents change their values because of their children, but I have been fortunate. That is where the change over happens.

I now see in my own children, the same interest and drive, to instil values and manners and good common sense into their own children, and once again I feel proud. The cycle continues. But it's more than that, I feel privileged to be the Dad whose children now, perhaps unknowingly, give me the honour of making me a 'good parent'. That honour is not mine alone. It also belongs to another, and more so, but she is not here to see the benefit or feel the pride, but I know she would approve and also feel that pride too. Thanks Margaret, you did a great job, and without you, who knows how things would have turned out. You have earned your reward!!   

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Legalise Drugs?

We are being asked to consider the legalisation of drugs in Scotland, yet again. Not just the so called soft drugs like cannabis, but hard drugs like heroin, cocaine and crack cocaine! Not surprisingly there is a wide difference of opinion among the 'experts', and their views are expressed so strongly. The arguments for legalising drugs stretch from the revenue they would raise for the tax man, to the cost change to the NHS. Many people are in the debate, each with their own slant on what to do.

The one point which I have not heard expressed by any of these experts is the issue of whether drug use is right or wrong! We seem to have lost the ability of saying, you don't do this 'because it is wrong'! I believe we are scared that someone will think we are too religious, or too moral, and this is not the case. Why do we shy away from saying something is wrong or immoral, especially when drug use causes so much harm and damage to the user, the family, and the wider community? I am not aware of any benefits from using heroin, cocaine or crack cocaine, by any member of society, so why should it be legalised? Some folks don't want us to criminalise the poor pushers! Why not?? Just because the problem is getting out of hand? Or because the police and courts can't keep up with the problem?

The one thing most experts agree on is that hard drug use is a bad thing. Thank goodness for that. Do we really want to start down the slippery slope of legalising drugs for any reason at all? Cost should not be an argument. This is a simple right or wrong issue, and we shouldn't be sand dancing around excuses for legalising a destructive element in our society. Our drug users will still use it. The pushers will still be in business, and anyone who thinks differently is living on another planet. Our already big drugs problem in Scotland, will become an even bigger problem, and we would have no one to blame but ourselves.

Drug use is such a blight on our society, that we should be increasing the penalty for pushing to a real life sentence. Any crime caused by drug users stems from the dealers, so they must shoulder a very high responsibility. A life sentence is only reasonable, and I don't mean a tariff which means the perpretator could be out in 18 months! If we need more prisons, then build them. As for the users, anyone who commits crime because of drugs should get 5 years minimum, with no remission for good behaviour. If pushers, dealers and users are in prison, they are certainly not causing society a problem. No bail should be allowed, which only lets them out to do it again. The nice social service people who think these folks have a bad deal, should be locked up with them, until their 'patients' have come off their drug of choice. That's right their drug use is by choice. We are on the way to making irresponsible drinking, and drink driving an anti social thing, so we can and should do the same thing with the more devastating problem of drug use. 

Did you also know that the social services can now provide a drug to family in the event that someone they know overdoses and stops breathing? The rep talking about it on TV says it will bring a dying junkie back to life, 'just like Lazarus- Instantly'! I just hope that the money to provide this drug does not deny any kind of drugs for kids with leukaemia, or cancer, or heart disease! We keep being told that the NHS must make difficult choices. Well here's an easy one. Divert the 'Lazarus drug' money from the junkie to the person who has not chosen their disease as a lifestyle add-on!  

Lets not pussyfoot round the issue. Lets face it down, and head on. It will not happen overnight, but see the problem for what it is. Self inflicted and wrong!! Mind you we need strong politicians to make it happen, and that's the weak link in the chain. They talk it up, but play it down, and we, the ordinary person in the street, have to live with their inaction in our communities. The longer we leave it, the harder it will become to rid the streets of a menace to our children and grand children.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Is That Really It??

One of the great freedoms we have, in every walk of life, is our freedom to choose our religion, faith, or perhaps to decide that there is no supreme being, and what we have in this world is all there will ever be. Many very learned and scholarly people have spent untold hours, and written books on whether there is a God or not. I am not a scholar in the same way these people are, and there are differing views even amongst the scientific community. There are many scientists who are convinced that there is a God, and similarly, many who think there is not. I could not enter a scientific debate with these scholars and philosophers, so I won't.

We are entitled to differ in this very basic question, and we do. Therefore I do not want to question how those who come to the conclusion that there is no God, got there. At least everyone knows where they stand. There are those too, perhaps like me, who are very sure of their belief in God, and have the faith to support it. In my limited way, I have read books, questioned myself, and spoken to others, to come to my own conclusion that there is a God, and that He is not far from any of us. I also believe the Bible is given to help us find the way. 

So we have two opposing camps. Those who accept there is a God, and those who don't, but in each case the decision was made after due thought and consideration at our own level. We are entitled to that basic freedom. However, there is a group in the middle. People who have not really given it a lot of thought, and who certainly don't live one way or the other, but who call themselves by a vague name. A name like, Catholic, or Protestant, or C of S, or C of E, or Baptist, and the list could go on. They will take their children to church to get baptised, get married, or be buried with a church's blessing. They might even go to church on a special occasion like Christmas, but have not committed to any real or life changing faith.

At the end of our time here on this earth, I find myself asking the question again, 'is this really all there is to my life'?  It's the same question those scholars can't agree on. We get side tracked by questions like, 'why all the suffering', and fail to ask 'why am I here'? So as my life draws to a close someday (and it certainly will!), I will not be asking myself 'is that really it'? My faith allows me to believe in life after death, and the chance to see a God who loves me, and loved ones who have died before me. It's my basic freedom, and based on many of life's choices and circumstances. The great thing is, I can live and die with confidence, and that gives me comfort right here, right now. I like that.   

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Some Day You Will!

Maybe not now, but at some time in the future, you will. And you will mean it. Deep down, I think we all have a need that only this will satisfy, and we may not even understand why at the time! During times of stress, or anxiety, or loss, or happiness, or sadness, or guilt, we will find our minds turning to this, and it works for all. Old and young, male and female, rich and poor. We are all equal when big things happen in our lives, and that's because we are all human. Not only that, but people of ALL faiths, and even NO faith will do it!

When you go through a tough time especially, you don't want to sound like a complainer, so you may not even tell anyone about your real deep, heartfelt sorrows, so you harbour them, and that doesn't help either. When we don't know which way to turn, we will then do it. We will all utter a prayer. Maybe a very short one, and maybe even to a 'God' you don't understand too well, or even know at all, but if the internal struggle is bad enough, you will pray. Silently, or out loud, it doesn't matter, and when we do pray, it is heard, even if we don't think it is! This is more, so much more than the 'omg' we hear so often, and so glibly. For that reason, I do not like to see it in print, or hear it in conversation.

Sometimes an occasion will arise when you don't want to share your thoughts and fears with people who will just talk about you, and your problem, but you want to tell some folks who you know will pray, and take it to a higher place! I feel privileged and blessed to have such friends, and when the need comes up, I know they will pray for me, my family, and our situation. This sounds crazy to anyone who is not a 'prayer' normally, but believe me, it does make a difference to the person (or people) who need that prayer. So, to those who read this, who know, and who pray, I say thank you, and God Bless you. What about the answers, I hear you ask? Let me finish with this thought. "The prayer is more important than the answer".       

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Alcohol - Minimum Pricing (again)

It is being raised again, but this time by the Prime Minister. He was responding to the challenge we all face, up and down the UK, to clean up the streets of under age binge drinking, which affects us all, and especially the responsible city centre party goers. I don't agree with all that the SNP stand for, but they have got it spot on when they called for minimum pricing in Scotland, where the problem is huge, and more so at weekends.

Of course, as expected, the other opponents of this idea, come out of the woodwork to tell us it won't make any difference. We have to find another way, they say. One of these apologists was on the news today. He was a spokesman for the supermarket chain, Morrisons, and talked an awful lot, but didn't actually say anything. He defended the cheap booze on sale in their aisles, and said it was to compliment their food sales! Oh brother! Don't let anyone fool you. Supermarkets don't lose money on the so called, 'lost leaders' where they undercut the price of alcohol. They have the nerve to say that the price and availability is not a part of the problem. When will they wake up and smell the roses, or should I say, the vomit!

You don't have to be very smart or clever to see why they like to sell cheap booze. It's good for income. If it really was a money loser, do you think they would be doing it? They must think Joe Public's head buttons up the back. I wish they would treat us as grown up, and accept the link between the price of alcohol, and violence at all levels in our community.

I am glad the question has been brought into the open again, and maybe since the Prime Minister is sympathetic to the problem and solution, we might get somewhere. The supermarkets are behaving exactly like the tobacco companies who said there was no link between smoking and ill health. It didn't take long to see the results, and I suspect it will be the same with minimum pricing. As I have said before, we just need some politicians with bottle to lead the way.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Compassion and Justice

It was a year ago that the Scottish government released the Lockerbie Bomber, Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, on compassionate grounds to die in his home country, Libya. He had three months or so to live we were told. A passionate debate erupted on the streets and in the media, of the rights and wrongs of the decision, and that debate has never really gone away.

He has outlived his original estimate by a factor of four, and although in ill health, he is with his family, in his home country, and treated as a hero in the fight against 'the western culture and religion'. Kenny McAskill saw fit to release him, because he felt 'compassion' for him. Compassion is good and right, but I am not sure we have struck the right balance of justice and compassion here.

Given that this terrorist was released on compassionate grounds, I can only assume that there will be other prisoners who merit that same compassion. Maybe they are terminally ill. Maybe they are gravely ill. Maybe it is a young mother who desperately needs to be with her children. Where do we draw the line of who should benefit from our compassion, and who should not. Strangely, I have not heard of any other prisoners who have been released for the same reason. That alone makes me question the kind of compassion Kenny McAskill used in his decision.

We do not want to drop to the level of vengeance which Cardinal Keith O'Brien accuses the USA of adopting in its justice system, but neither should we free mass murderers because they are very ill. Also, since we don't like it when the USA meddles in our justice system, we should not meddle in theirs. I think the Cardinal stepped outside his bounds with his comments. Since our lifespan is not determined by a doctor, but by that higher power which Mr McAskill talked about, we cannot afford to use compassion as a reason for freedom. If that was truly the case, there would have been many others who would benefit from freedom from prison.

If a terrorist is given compassion, what then do we give to the families of the 270 people who died at his hands? It must be more than compassion, but what is it? A pat on the back, and a 'there there, you will feel better soon' platitude? Because that is what it is, just words, and that same compassion is missing. So what do I think? I reckon Al Megrahi should have lived out the rest of his natural life in prison, or in a prison hospital, no matter the cost. That's not because I do not have compassion, but that justice means I also have compassion for the other innocents who are still living with this terrorists actions, and I have more of it for them. 

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Another Mary Whitehouse - Please?

Mary Whitehouse was a household name some years ago, vilified  and mocked by many, but respected by others. She has had a film made in her 'honour' where she was put down as a bigot and a short tempered, unbalanced woman. I think the film makers missed the point, and may even be living to regret their bias against the greatest voice of the television viewer in the UK.

You only need to be one minute after the 9pm so called watershed of 'adult' TV, for it to engulf you. The producers seem to be in some kind of race to be the one who can show the programme with the most cursing, swearing, crudeness, vulgarity, profanity, gratuitous violence, and taking the Lord's name in vain! We have done ourselves no favours by going down the road of 'anything goes permissiveness' in our media. And it's not just after 9pm. Take the rose coloured glasses off, as you watch some of the content on the major channels BEFORE 9pm. We have now changed the rules on what is offensive, and tolerate more 'mild' swearing and pornographic innuendo when our children are watching, and the programme makers know it. TV in the UK has become a minefield for any parent who wants to keep an eye on what their children are watching. Gone are the days when you could leave a young one in front of the telly while you caught up on the jobs around the house.

Mary Whitehouse was branded as an old fuddy-duddy, behind the times, and standing in the way of progress. We have paid a great price in our quest for progress, and in my opinion, the price is too high. We have too few shows which can be classed as 'family entertainment' and instead, we have a diet of movies and shows which would never have been shown a mere five years ago. We have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, and are in danger of raising a generation who have lost their childhood innocence by the time they were leaving primary school. For all she was portrayed as, Mary at least stood by her convictions, and could see the time when we would be 'watching people make love in our own living rooms'. She was laughed to scorn, but how right she was, and are we any better for not listening? I don't think so.

So, please, can we have another Mary Whitehouse in the UK? Someone who is not ashamed of their stand on the moral rights and wrongs, and how we use our media, especially television. I am tired of looking for a programme to watch, which is decent (oh, am I allowed to say that?), and as I hop from channel to channel see and hear a tirade of bad language (so called comedians are the worst offenders) and inappropriate so called love scenes, where we have totally devalued the meaning of love? I have found myself giving the TV a black eye (turning it off) more and more, and listening to some music. The alternative is to throw it out of the window! Maybe if more people switched off, the advertisers would take notice, and then the programmes would be changed! Pressing for good morality might not change things, but the lack of advertising money does talk, and talk loud! A change is long overdue, and we owe it to our next generation to turn it around, because sadly it's too late for this one.

Moans and Groans

It is just something we do, and we do it so well. We complain, we moan, we groan, and we generally think we have a hard time of it, and our lives are tough. The kind of stuff we complain about, are things like, rain, drizzle, work or the lack of it. Not enough of a salary, or welfare. Kids too noisy or it's a school holiday, had to get up early, had a late night, a friend wasn't nice to you, and the list goes on. We seem to get wound up about some simple things, don't we?

I was reminded just how good we have it, and how comfortable we are in the UK. I think it was Harold McMillan who got into a lot of hot water (politically, in the 50's) for saying, "You've never had it so good", and the truth is, it has continually got better since then.

When you feel bad about your life, have a thought for the 100s of thousands of Pakistani people who have lost their lives, and millions of others who have been made homeless, destitute, desperately ill, have no clean water or clean clothes, and the clothes they stand up in, are all they own in life! All because of rain. The stuff we moan about, but this time causing flooding on a massive scale. Now that's something to complain about, but have you noticed that these folks are too busy rebuilding their shattered lives to moan?

We have no right to moan or groan, do we? Especially about our rain! We've never had it so good!

RIP Karen Woo

I didn't know Karen Woo. In fact, until today I had never heard of her. She was one of the many unsung, forgotten people who serve poor people in foreign countries where they have no hope of getting that aid from their own government. Karen Woo left a well paid job in the private health care service in the UK (BUPA) and went off to Afghanistan to help provide eye care in the remote areas of that forbidding country, and to those who could not afford it.

The group she was travelling with, were ambushed, and a total of ten volunteer aid workers, including Karen, paid the ultimate price for helping ease the suffering of the Afghan poor. The people who carried out the attack, were from the same Afghan nation they were trying to help. I couldn't help but wonder, why? Make that a BIG WHY?? No matter what I think or feel, I don't think we will get an answer to that 'why' question. I have asked it before, and never got an answer then either.

Maybe the better question would be 'what'? What makes a young professional lady, volunteer to go to a backward, war torn country, to help folks who she doesn't even know? What drives a person, like all those ten who lost their lives, risk everything to help the poor? Part of that answer lies with the group she was associated with. International Assistance Mission (IAM) has been in that country for many years. They travel unarmed, and without an escort. The other part of the answer is that Karen Woo, and many others like her, was a Christian. Called to give help to the poor, she listened, and went, leaving her family and a well paid job behind, prepared to take the risks to personal safety.

The other 'why' question is, 'why did she do it'? I think her conscience drove her. Being a Christian, she answers to a higher power than the terrorist. When I say, Rest in Peace, I mean it. These unsung heroes and heroines will inherit a special place in heaven, where they will be recognised for what they are.  Oh, by the way, anyone with a church, or bible background will not miss the initials of the mission she travelled with. 'I AM' in the bible is the name used for God. Almighty God. Karen Woo knew why she was there, and who she served, so I believe she will certainly rest in peace!   

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Terrorism Support

David Cameron seems to have got himself into some political trouble by suggesting that Pakistan was playing a dual role in the cause of terrorism on the world stage. He is being criticised by many world leaders who seem more interested in Politically Correct Politics, than in reality, or truth. Without the truth, we will never be able to tackle the root of any problem.

Some facts. The US 9/11 terrorists were partly trained in the terror camps of Pakistan. The 7/7 London bombers were trained in the terror camps of Pakistan. Al Qaeda operates and trains in Pakistan. Bin Laden is holed up in Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border. The Glasgow Airport bombers were trained in Pakistan. Do you see a common thread here? There are constant reminders in the media of other terrorism activities within our own country, of terror cells funded, supported, with training provided, directly or indirectly, by Pakistan. We are talking common knowledge here, not some state secret!

It is also worth noting, or remembering, that the key goals of Islam are world religious domination, and the destruction of the country and state of Israel. Putting it plainly, that's the overthrow of the UK, and its control by Islamic Sharia Law. While we are cosying up to all things Islamic, and trying to understand the hearts of our 'brothers', lets not forget all that it means. As a nation, we are bending over backwards to accommodate elements of the Islamic tradition and religion, including the use of Sharia Law, and it being used alongside our own laws, which are based on a Christian tradition and foundation. We need to take great care as this will be a one way street.  

So, back to David Cameron. I hope he doesn't back down or apologise for his comments. They are truthful, candid, and a timely warning about a country which looks the other way while paying lip service to the cause of world peace, and the fight against terrorism. I do not think they can be fully trusted while so much terror is hatched on their soil, but seem so powerless to act against it. Maybe if we saw the Pakistan leadership and government coming out strongly against the terror camps, and extreme Islamic teaching which condones violence in their quest for world domination, we could believe they really were trying. As it is, there is no strong evidence that they want to change. I think it suits them to talk about being anti terrorism, while not acting against it. The bible talks about not being able to trust a double minded person. 

I would rather have the teachings of the bible, than the misuse and abuses of Islam and the excesses of Sharia Law.      

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Forgiveness and Consequences

I tend to see myself as a patient and quite forgiving person. I like to see even handedness in my  dealings, and usually root for the weak, or the underdog. I am not alone in wanting to see justice and peace in the world.

Then there are child abusers, and child molesters, and child murderers. Like Ian Huntley in fact! He murdered two young girls, who trusted him, and he took their lives, and the lives of their families away... for ever!

This sub human is now planning to sue the prison authorities for 10,000s of thousands of pounds because, they did not protect him from the other inmate(s) in his prison, who tried to cut his throat. In fact, they did manage to wound him, but he survived, unlike his two young victims. 

Actions have consequences. All of them. Some good and some bad. Maybe there really is some honour among thieves, but in any case, it should come as no surprise that Huntley is not liked, even in prison. This is a consequence of his actions, and although not a good one, it is understandable! The part I cannot stomach is that he is now pursuing legal action against the prison authorities for allowing him to be attacked, or to put it another way, for not standing over him 24 hours a day!

My solution is easy. Keep him locked up all day, and do not open the door to the cell, ever. Only provide whatever meals can be shoved under his door. A diet of pizza and pancakes should about do it. We have abolished the death penalty, so that's not an option, but he doesn't have to get 5 star treatment either. Let him breathe and eat. I think that would about do it. Then the other prisoners can't get near to harm him again. It's either that, or handcuff him to a prison warder in shifts for protection. Now that's going too far! I, and lots of people like me, will wonder how this will end. Will the lawsuit be successful? In our upside down, PC, Social Services driven society, I would not be surprised, but it doesn't make it right.   


I stood proudly, and quietly, in the drizzle of rain at Glasgow Airport, and watched my older grandson take to the skies in a small, single engined plane, for his first flying lesson. I held my breath, and then breathed again, time after time, as the plane, containing a precious passenger, dipped higher and lower in the sky after a flawless take off. They banked, circled the airport and occasionally disappeared out of sight, behind a cloud, or just too far off to see. I held my breath again for a while.

As the plane climbed higher and higher, I couldn't help but sense the feeling that as he disappeared from my view, he was closer again to, and in better sight of, his Gran, who would be smiling, encouraging him and saying, "..attaboy son, go for it. Follow your dream"! 

The lesson was short, but will live in all our hearts and minds for a long time to come, and for many different reasons.  

Thursday, 29 July 2010

The American Dream

I have just returned from a holiday to the USA. I went with family, and to see family too, as well as do the parks and relax and take in the Florida 'experience'. It was a great time, and one which I have been able to do in previous years, as well as living and working there in different states for months at a time, so I understand the culture, and the people to a degree.

The 'American Dream' is often talked about with a sense of awe, and respect. The US is a country to follow your dreams, and find your full potential, but there is a fly in the ointment. It's not all rosy. There are many, many poor and disadvantaged people there who have never quite achieved the dream, and you can find a big gulf between the rich and the poor. The 'haves' and the 'have nots' are easily spotted.

An old uncle who emigrated to the USA during the 1930's depression to find work, and live the dream, once told me, "you are ok here as long as you are working and young. This country doesn't like the old and sick". He was speaking to me in his retirement home where all his hard earned cash was being sucked away by the State, until he was left penniless. I had another reminder of that same conversation recently. Apparently, it is still true.

I may get some comments from my American friends and family, but I have long given up with my complaints about the National Health Service in the UK. It has its flaws. Many of them, but our governments, whatever the colour, work to protect the NHS even in this age of cutbacks and austerity. Of course there is abuse of the system, but the alternative does not bear thinking about. While the US medical system is run by insurance companies, not the medical profession, and only about 20% of what is paid in insurance premiums actually goes to the medical staff (the rest goes into the insurance company profits account) for treatment, it is easy to see the truth of my old uncle's statement. My recent experience in the US confirms that the 'dream' still does not include the elderly and the infirm.

As I reach the 'autumn' years of my life, should I need emergency surgery, or long term care, I want to be looked after for in a dignified and yet professional way, in a system which is driven by health care and not insurance company profit. I certainly do not need, or want the added burden of cost at a time when I need that worry least. President Obama gets a lot of criticism for wanting to change the welfare system to a more compassionate one, and I find it hard to understand why. Unless, of course, those who 'have lots' do not want to compensate for those who 'have not', the aged or infirm. We will all be old and possibly infirm too someday, and in that system only the very wealthy will be able to afford it.

Lets keep working to hold and improve the NHS in the UK. Believe it or not, it is envied in the US by many.      

Knife Crime- Who Cares?

Anyone who lives in the Inverclyde area will know that we have a knife problem. A problem with victims, and offenders. We all live in a culture of the acceptability of young people especially carrying a knife, for so called 'protection'. Really it's to look good with their friends and peers, and look cool! It has to change to allow us all to live in a non threatening society.

Last month, the Scottish Government had a vote. To vote for, or against, the 'presumption of a 6 month automatic jail term for carrying a knife'. So far, so good. Bearing in mind the terrible record our area has with knife carrying, you would think that our MSPs would know where to cast their vote. After all, there have been many campaigns by the parents of folks who have lost a child's life to the abuse of a knife. The parliament vote was lost by 2 votes. Guess what? The same two votes were cast 'against' by 2 of our own MSPs. The same MSPs who paid lip service to the campaign to bring in the new law, and who told the families that they cared about their plight and grief. 

I saw the reasons both the SNP and Lib Dem MSPs gave for not supporting the bill, and it almost seemed that they were using the same words, from the same press agent. These enemies were singing in unison. I hate it when a personal campaign, and family grief is hijacked by politics. This was a political manoeuvre and is deplorable. I think they are hoping we will forget it before the MSP elections in 2012. Not likely! These families and our area deserved better. They needed and deserved the support of their elected representatives, and were denied it. The postman delivered a nice glossy political flyer from the Lib Dem candidate yesterday. It covered a lot of local issues where the MSP had been busy, but there was not one word about crime, and knife crime in particular. How sad that our elected representative thinks the electorate are stupid, and cannot see the obvious. He couldn't put it on his flyer, because he had nothing to say on the matter. Perhaps saving the hospital tea bar was more important than saving young knife victims.

To state the very obvious, had these 2 MSPs voted FOR the motion, the law would have carried. These 2 Inverclyde MSPs are the sole reason the knife crime statistics will remain the same in our area for years to come. Sand dancing round the issue, and making it a political football did nothing for their reputation, and integrity. 2012 is coming! 

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Tradition or Sectarian?

Living in the West of Scotland has many benefits. The rugged countryside and heights of the mountains and Munros can be impressive and breathtaking. In good weather there are few places I would rather be! Except this weekend! There will be crowds in the thousands, dressed in red, white and blue, flocking to Inverclyde, to march, play the pipes, drums and flutes (actually piccolos). I am sure it will be a grand spectacle for marchers and supporters. I hope it stays peaceful and trouble free.

My concern is what brings them all here, from all over the UK and North America. It is a march to celebrate and relive a battle fought and won over 300 years ago in Ireland. The Orange Order has many followers across the world, many who are well intentioned and sincere in recognising their own 'tradition'. (That happens to be a convenient word to help describe a lifestyle which is not in keeping with today's society). This parade can also be described as 'sectarian'! There is a strong Irish influence in the West of Scotland, and other places in the UK, where many Irish immigrants put their roots down when they come from their homeland to settle in the mainland of the UK. I know, because my Dad was one of those who came to Scotland in the 1940's in search of work, and in so doing he met his wife, and stayed and raised his family in the same town! He taught us to keep a healthy distance from the Irish marching bands! He was a wise man.

The Irish influence has been great, and these same Irishmen helped build our roads, bridges and railways. Their effect on the UK economy would be impossible to calculate. However, the Irish influence has also caused problems. Religious differences run deep. Very deep, and often led to bitter fighting between the religious divide of Catholic and Protestant, sometimes within families as young men and women chose their life's partner in the communities where they settled. Anyone who lived through the 1950s onwards will recognise and have memories, some very sad, of that time of division.

The good news is that the Nation of Ireland has come a long way, and now embraces a peace process where Protestants and Catholics can live and work together in harmony. I suppose my question, and yes even worry, is why do we need to perpetuate the separation and celebrate the differences which caused so much trouble in Ireland, and around the UK? I like the thought of marching bands and music coming to Inverclyde, but not at the expense of progress in the fight against religious intolerance and prejudice.

To make this argument balanced, I do not think we can ignore the same effects achieved by the AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians) who also have their equal, but opposite religious persuasion, with their own marching bands of green, white and gold, and who add to the whole mix of intolerance. Their own tradition goes back more than 300 years! We cannot continue to live in the past of 300 and more years ago. Surely, we will have to let go sometime? And come to think of it, maybe we will have to find that common ground to help us, should our combined traditions need it, to stand against another ideology and religious force! That may be closer than you think. What do you think of the idea of a united marching band, in say colours of green and blue? Now that I could handle!    

Thursday, 1 July 2010


Wimbledon is in full flow right now, and Andy Murray is doing well. He seems to be well liked around the country, and round the world's tennis fans too. I like the unity of sportsmanship which seems to be shown in this sport on and off the court. Opponents are undoubtedly real rivals when playing each other, and it is obvious, but (big BUT) when they finish, they speak highly of each other's play, and usually have a respect, if not a friendship, with their opponents. I find that refreshing, and the basis for sporting role models for our children and youth. 

I scoured the crowds at this 'World Cup' of tennis for signs of any banners or T-Shirts bearing the slogan ABS, and didn't see any. If they were there, they were well hidden. When interviewed, all the fans had only good things to say about Britain's only hope, Andy Murray, and he is a Scot! He is playing in the 'All England Club' which is the sport's highest honour in the UK. The English are fulsome in their praise of a great sportsman, when they see it. They seem to recognise it for what it is, and don't get caught up in any ABS (Anybody But Scotland) nonsense!

What a refreshing change from the Scotland fans who cannot stand the sight of an English jersey, and have a club of their own to show their disdain. Sadly, the ABE club has a large following, and not just from the 'lower end' of the social spectrum, but from those you would think should know better, and a bit higher up the social ladder. So it has nothing to do with social standing. Put bluntly, the ABE crowd show themselves for what they are, unsportsmanlike and short sighted sectarian people (perhaps even bigots?), who are no example to our youth. Please, please do not insult me by saying it's all a bit of fun in the name of sporting rivalry. Sportsmanship and disrespect cannot be used together to describe any sport, at any time, by any sport lover. 

I think we are in dangerous territory. What if there was an 'ABB' (Anybody But Blacks), or an 'ABM' (Anybody But Muslim) club? It only then becomes a matter of time before we see an 'ABC' (Anybody But Christian) group. Are we ready to let that happen, or do we sit isolated in our ivory tower, and hold on to the belief that 'It's only a bit of fun'? As a Christian nation, are we not directed to 'Love one another'? Not easy, but it would be worth it in the long run!  

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Scotland The Grave!

We can't get into the World Cup, and we don't have any real role models in Scotland, except one we should not be proud of. Per head of population, it has now been confirmed that Scotland has the highest rate of Cocaine use in the... UK? No! Europe? No! Yes, you've guessed it, The WORLD! We are a nation stuffed full of junkies and we don't seem to think it deserves much media coverage. In the words of another, 'we can't even be bothered to be apathetic'!

We have all seen the evidence on our streets, at the GP Surgery, and even in our schools, and yet there are those who will shake their finger at us and say, it's not as bad as you think. These are nice people you know, and they have a lot of problems to deal with. You are lucky not to have their troubles to handle!

Get a grip! Our nation is tarred with being THE worst cocaine user in the world, and we sit back and accept it? Drug usage is a national scandal, and it is destroying many of our younger generation and turning them into zombies. And please do me the favour of not comparing them to drunks and alcoholics. They are different, and we have tolerated and accepted their blight on our communities and culture, and yes our children for long enough.

How about some facts? Drug addicts don't care how they get their money for the next fix. They don't care if they rob the same family who will try to support them. The crime rate for drug users is top in the police files for muggings, burglary, assault, disturbance, and right through to murder!  And we seem to sit on our hands and say we can't do anything about it. We have become 'Scotland the Grave' by our collective apathy.

What can be done? Personally, I think it has a lot to do with the breakdown of the family unit. Ok, don't all shout at once, of course there are many kids who live in a bad family unit, and don't turn to drugs, but don't make that the reason to dismiss the many, many addicts who have had a sad background of a broken and unhappy, even abusive family! These are the ones we are talking about. If Scotland had a better attitude to the family unit, and the responsibilities and challenges within it, we would have stronger and better adjusted children, who would be less likely to turn to drugs for their escape. Anyone who has followed any of my blogs will know that I am a strong advocate for the importance of good family units. It follows also that many young parents have already survived their own 'abusive' family unit, and that makes the work of raising their own children even harder. Take heart, I know good people who have bucked the trend of a bad start in life, and made a point of giving their children the kind of upbringing they didn't have! It can happen!

Changing our family attitude is the start and also the toughest part, but we need to do something about the ones who are still a 'threat' to our community. How about jailing them as soon as they get their FIRST drug related conviction? Not a slap on the wrist, and some community work while out to do it all again. Yes, give help and support, but from inside the prison, and don't let them out until the course of treatment has been finished! Sound tough? So is getting over any kind of crime or abuse to your property or family! One of the biggest problems will be our politicians, because none of them would want to see a rise in the crime rate, or certainly not put more offenders in jail. No, they want to reduce the number of offenders who will be in for six months or less. Guess who these offenders will be?... Right again, the drug users, who will not even benefit from any kind of treatment or therapy inside jail, where it should be done.

While we are at it, what about teaching some morality in our education system. You know, the progressive way of being bold enough to say what is right and what is wrong, and not to convince our children that it's ok if it makes you feel good, or you think it's right for you! The people who gave us that philosophy have failed, sold us down the river, and helped get us where we are today, so let's not have any more of that drivel. There are some things in this life which are without doubt, wrong, and should be seen and taught as wrong!

Unless we turn our nation's drug use around and make it anti social, we will evolve into an even worse country, with nothing to show for the heritage our ancestors left us, because we will have squandered it! Let's take an active part in returning us to a nation called, 'Scotland the Brave'!