Friday 20 August 2010

Life Isn't Fair

The 20th of August is important for two similar, but also very different reasons. My wife, a very special lady, lost her life to cancer almost three years ago. She would have been a very young, sprightly and active wife, mum and gran had she survived that terrible disease. This date will always be remembered for the great loss of a lovely, kind and warm person.

A year ago on the same date, the Locherbie bomber, Abdel Baset Ali Al Megrahi was granted compassionate release from his life sentence for blowing up Pan Am Flight 103, taking hundreds of lives with it. He was found guilty of the crime. I have made no secret of my opinion that the decision to release him to go back to his own country was wrong. He was given 3 months to live, and now a year later he is still alive. That is where life isn't fair. Compare the life of my wife, who only did good, to the bomber who blew a plane and it's passengers out of the sky, in an act of terrorism, and got a hero's welcome when he arrived home in Libya.

The debate and argument rages again, one year on from his release. I have even heard people say they wish him to be dead, and the sooner the better. He has lived too long! At the moment he has lived 4 times longer than the doctors thought. No, life is not fair, and I don't agree with his release, but I do not wish him dead for the convenience of some politicians who are being questioned on the basis for the release decision.

It has often been repeated that compassion is a part of the Scottish judicial system, and that is good and right, even when some decisions may be open to question, but please let's not wish anyone dead. That wish and desire is held and used in the countries like the USA who still use capital punishment. They wish the criminal dead, and they pass that judgement. With the faults we have in Scotland, let's not be tempted to change it for the barbarism of wishing someone dead, and let's keep that compassion alive.

And whoever said that life was fair anyway? Certainly not in this life. One thing is for sure, after death, the real reward or judgement is passed out by a higher court than any on this earth. My wife has her reward now, and Megrahi will also be given his 'reward'. Then life will be fair!!

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