Monday, 28 January 2019

Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 1Thessalonians4:9NIV

I have read this verse many times, but as happens often with Scripture, there are new insights to be mined at just the right time. This is such a time.

When we want to do the best for our church community, we will recommend a new course of study, preferably leading to a certificate of some kind, or check out a new program, but are these things really as important as we make them out to be? I would suggest that love is the answer. But then a verse like this sheds more light on our knowledge and intent because we have been taught by God to love one another. Did the full impact hit you as it did me?

This means that if we don’t show love to one another, that is directly due to the fact that God hasn’t taught us that lesson yet. No brotherly or sisterly love means no God in that part of our lives. Put even more simply, no love equals no God. This message was not strictly for individuals, as the epistle was penned to the church at Thessalonica. To state the obvious, we might belong to a church that is not very ‘loving’, if at all. But how would we know?

These could be pointers, but not an exhaustive list:

> Only being told you were missed on a Sunday, when you are there the following week. In other words, no one phones during the week to see how you are.

> Leadership whether pastoral or church board do not take the lead in showing love. In fact, everyone thinks and expects that someone else is in touch.

> There is no prayer made for someone who may have missed a few Sundays at church.

> Your church friends are more likely to say (when they see you the following week) I’ve been thinking about you, but not I’m praying for you. There IS a difference.

> Perhaps your pastor will not come and pray for and with you, eg before a significant life event.

> We are known as a ‘once vibrant church’, and not a loving community of believers.

If our present church has not been taught how to love by God Himself, then maybe it’s time to look for another more welcoming, Spirit driven, loving body of believers. But we don’t like to make a fuss, so do we live without the essential teaching that only God can give? Or step out in courage and faith to another yes, imperfect church, but one that has embraced God’s teaching of love? Tough call within the church my friend, but so obvious to the eyes and ears of those outside!

Sunday, 27 January 2019

The Second Child - A Short Story

It is a big family of twelve siblings, but a good one, and important to everyone in it. Everyone has a place from the youngest to the oldest, and each has a gift, talent, and responsibility to ensure the smooth running of the whole family unit. Funnily enough the same gifts can be found in two or more children. For example, the ability to play a musical instrument, or be good at sports.

The parents work hard, and do their best, loving each one the same, but still some get the feeling of being undervalued, or overlooked. Understandable perhaps in a big family. After all, how can parents or siblings keep an eye on every one? One day, the unthinkable happened.

The next to oldest son went missing. I mean, he wasn’t down for breakfast in his usual fashion of being first at the table before leaving for work. The other brothers and sisters looked at each other and figured he had overslept, or was needed at his workplace early. It was certainly unusual, but that was the most likely explanation. At the end of the first working day, he still didn’t appear for dinner. Probably overtime they thought.

I mentioned the first working day because there were other days to follow where he wasn’t home either. Maybe he arranged a holiday with his pals but forgot to tell us, they all reasoned. After all, we can’t keep up with everyone in a family of our size they figured. He stayed missing from his place at the table for quite a while, but it was a big family you understand. Missing one is no big deal, especially when there is no reason to worry, right? All the others are still here, so the family unit can still function.

Almost by accident, one of his younger sisters was out at her friend’s house, and noticed to her surprise that her missing brother was there. Turned out that he had gone to another house where he knew some of the young men, and they kindly asked if he wanted to stay with them for a wee while. Just for a change you understand. They had almost adopted him into their family, and were delighted to have him there. In effect, they had adopted each other for mutual benefit. By the time the truth came out, it was too late. The deed had been done, and the second oldest son had moved from one family to another, almost seamlessly, without a fuss, and with no one coming after him to check if he was ok.

Who knew? Well, how could they? Who cared? Well, who had reason to suspect anything was wrong? Truth be told, the welcome at his new adopted home was greater than the silence of his absence from his other, old home. So, all in all, no harm done. Right? Both families continued to flourish and grow, and they all remained friends.

Somehow, I can’t help but wonder if that second oldest son was ever really missed by anyone in his family? His parents, or his brothers and sisters? Perhaps that’s something we will never know. At least everyone can satisfy themselves that they did all they could to make him feel welcome enough at home to stay there. Or did they? Maybe it could all have been avoided with a little more care, consideration, thought, and love.

If you love one another, everyone will know you are my disciples. John13:35NIV-Jesus (Spoken to Jesus’ disciples, who were His own earthly family then. That’s us now!)

Tuesday, 15 January 2019


Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations3:22,23NIV

The old testament prophet Jeremiah is known as the ‘Weeping Prophet’, but there is no sign of sadness here when he talks about compassions. That’s plural because God is compassionate in every part of our lives. What a word of promise to grasp. It’s more than pity, or sympathy, or even empathy, and it is God given.

Who among us has not had a tough day? Perhaps with bad news about health or finances? When these times come (and they do) we don’t feel like praying, even though we know there is only one source for peace of heart and mind. This lovely passage tells me that God’s great love for us prevents Him from turning away. “We are not consumed” is the way it is recorded in the Bible. God’s love for us is both infinite and eternal and we should be thankful.

But it doesn’t stop there. God is compassionate in a way that no human can copy or explain. His compassions NEVER fail because He is faithful beyond our wildest imaginations. So, when we have one of those days when our world is crumbling around us, and we lay our head on the pillow desperately wanting sleep to forget, God is not asleep! And get this, His great love and compassions are new every morning! EVERY MORNING, whether we had that bad day or a good day because His love does not depend on us. God loves us with an everlasting love in spite of ourselves, and because of who He is! I don’t know about you, but all I can say to that promise is “thank you, and amen Lord”.

Monday, 14 January 2019

The Mind

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians4:22-24NIV

Everything we do has its genesis in our minds. Decisions are made often during the day, some are good choices, and others not so good, but before it was an action, it was a thought. Our minds can be a minefield unless we use some kind of control, and that’s not easy. In fact you can be forgiven for thinking it’s not possible.

I’m sure we all have a tendency to let our minds wander around the things we would like to happen, and we did that a lot in our youth. That car, the well paid job, and yes, that lovely girl or boy that was just out of reach! Not being able to have these things didn’t stop us day-dreaming, did it? And for the most part it was harmless because no one else knew our inner thoughts, so no one was embarrassed, least of all ourselves!

The verse today tells me what we do with our thoughts can be, and is what forms the attitude of our minds and therefore our actions, and then we are essentially “created to be like God.” What a place to be. Be careful, not a ‘God Double’ or a ‘God Twin’, but created to be like God and all because of the way we are ‘made new in the attitude of our minds.’ God wants us to follow His example, and He wouldn’t give us a goal or target we could not reach. The key is the attitude of mind, straining towards holiness, but we need to want it first.

What an example and legacy if others could say about us that we have a Godly attitude of heart and mind, and it shows. To that end, let’s put on the new self where God can use us as an example to others, and help introduce them to the Kingdom of God. I suggest there is no better use of our attitude of mind, and it isn’t a day-dream either!

Sunday, 13 January 2019


The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. Mark14:7NIV

There is a massive drive in the UK to wipe out the need for food banks, and poverty itself, but is this realistic? The government have announced their intention to appoint a ‘Minister of Poverty’, but can this work? This short verse contains three important points, but leaves the most important to the last in an effort to drive home the message.

“The poor you will always have with you” goes against the government’s action in appointing a minister to eliminate poverty because we are told whether we like it or not, there will always be poor folks among us.

“You can help them any time you want” is a clear reminder of the need and importance as believers to do all we can to reduce the effects of poverty, while acknowledging the clear fact that we will never eradicate it.

“You will not always have me” is the stark truth which rises above the desire to help the poor, and addresses a more fundamental need. There are two levels to this phrase. Jesus was telling His disciples that there would shortly come a time when He would not be with them, but without saying how it would happen. However today this phrase applies to those who, through their own free will, reject Him and His gift of salvation. Some (literally) very poor people will lose out twice. No food and no future, and it doesn’t have to be like that.

Based on this, I suggest we are not doing the whole job if all we do is supply food for the body. Food is very important, but Jesus tells us clearly that it is only half the work needed. It is more important that we give the message of the more nourishing heavenly manna for their soul to supplement the food for the body. Then, and only then, we will have completed the full commandment.

Saturday, 12 January 2019


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing … Ephesians1:3ESV

How do you count your blessings? The old song says “Count your blessings, name them one by one”, and in the words of the old fiery preachers, “name them and claim them”. Sadly that wee phrase has become the byword of the prosperity gospel people, but we can lay claim to it too. I have a plaque in my kitchen which reads, “When I count my Blessings, I count you twice”. Do you have blessings like that?

I don’t know about you, but when things are not going so well, I forget to recognise my blessings, never mind count them once, and certainly not twice. Does that relate to you too? But God blesses us over and over again, even when we don’t see it, feel it, or recognise it. In one short verse, the apostle uses the word Blessed and blessing three times as if to make a point, and Paul makes it well. Simply put, we are blessed more than we deserve!

If you do a search in the Bible for the words ‘blessings, blessed, or bless, you will find hundreds of places where God will look after, or bless us, His people, and pour out so many blessings that we can’t contain them, even when we can’t feel them. God’s promise is this: “He has (already) blessed us with every spiritual blessing”. It’s a fact, not a theory. It’s a promise, not a thought. And since He is a God of His Word, we can count on it. So, next time you are tempted to think that God has left you on your own, remember His blessings. While you are there, start counting!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Who ARE You?

The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah17:9NLT

I wonder if you have heard those words aimed at you, or perhaps they stumbled from your own lips to an unsuspecting friend, or dare I say even a spouse? The truth may be that we are all a combination of more than one person. A simple example is the voice you use ‘normally’, and the other more refined voice you adopt when on the phone, or curt voice used when talking with some of those perky cold sales callers who always seem to call at tea time?

It can be something more significant and serious than our phone voice of course. The words will almost always be spoken during a disagreement or argument where your words or reactions are not what was expected. I suggest that somewhere along the way in many separations and divorces, these words have been used in anger along with their close cousins, “I don’t know you anymore”. On a lighter note, you may even have uttered them to yourself when you found that you were doing something out of character.

There is a solution which covers everyone and every situation from the sublime to the ridiculous and it is this: God loves you whatever ‘person mix’ you are. That’s every person you ever were, or are now. As a Godly lady once said to a group of teenage girls, “It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from, God loves you”. That was enough to turn one young life around. The Bible tells us clearly that whatever person we were or are, Jesus loves us enough to die for all of your sinful personalities, and mine too. It’s enough to make you eternally thankful, and I am certainly grateful beyond words. All of me!

God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans5:8ESV

Tuesday, 8 January 2019


A man of many companions may come to ruin,but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs18:24ESV

Social media has brought us to think that a friend is someone that is a shallow person we might just like, and if we don’t like them, we can unfriend, unfollow, or even block them from our lives. How low we have dropped in our perception of one of the greatest relationships God has made for us, second only to God Himself, and family.

I have been reminded recently of how God is at work in all aspects of our lives, from our youth right through to our more senior years. This became clearer to me as I recognised one of the important friendships I am blessed to enjoy now, which was rekindled after not being in touch for many years. It is as though that long gap didn’t happen. Circumstances of life change many things, and a loss of a friendship can be significant, but when God is in control, He has already gone before us and laid out the path which is best. That is true for all things, people, and time! We serve an amazing all knowing God who establishes our steps! Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, puts it best in these verses.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs16:9NIV

Monday, 7 January 2019

Stay In Touch

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy6:5-7NIV

One of the things which sets us apart from the other parts of creation, is that we can communicate by language. We are now finding that some other animals can make sounds which are interpreted in some way by others in their species. For our Creator God to give us this gift, suggests that He sees it as important. God gives us instructions to talk to our families, especially as we convey the commandments and love of God.

Since communication is important, why do we resist the many ways we have available to do just that? It seems that some don’t want to talk unless it is face to face. Ok, I hear you saying that this verse is only speaking about a face to face conversation, but in that day this was the only way to communicate! Is that really a reason for us to avoid any of the modern means of communication? I have come across those who would use the landline phone, but don’t ask them to use a mobile phone, or forbid even send a text! Given that attitude, there is no chance of them adopting any of the other social media methods of being in touch. Yes, it’s also about staying in touch as well as just talking.

Now, before you start to shout at me, I know that social media usage does not come naturally to some people, but then I can remember the first party line dial phones in our street, and they were a mystery to many too, and avoided by some at the beginning. There were even pastors who preached against their place in our homes and lives along with the advent of Television. We have moved on since then, and just about everyone has a landline phone, and a TV. Is it possible that the same thing will happen to the acceptance and use of the smartphone, and with it the general embrace of better communications through social media? Why would we all not want to have the best and fastest way to be in touch with those we love, and those we need? Like family and friends, doctors, hospitals, emergency services, pastors, and others you could add. Here’s a wee thought: Why not learn to accept this benefit and instead of resisting and complaining about it, use it for good? As I often say, “just thinking out loud!”

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Democracy and Integrity

I don’t usually post my thoughts on another country’s actions in politics because that’s their business, but this time is different. Very different. Let me say up front, it’s the USA and the newly elected Democrat member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib who just happens to be a muslim. I say that because in a democracy, you get who you elect, so we must also remember to look behind the Congresswoman herself to the voters who put her there.

In the UK we are used to the knock about of MPs in Parliament, and it does get rowdy at times and childish too. It can also be rude, but the use of bad language is strictly controlled and legislated against inside the house, and the same is expected outside. Having said that, there are occasions where these rules are bent and abused by a few, but not too often.

In keeping with non reactionary reporting, and not being biased, the BBC reports the story accurately, but leaves out the expletives, and strong vocabulary used by Rashida Tlaib to describe her intense hatred of both President Trump, and the only democracy in the middle east, the nation of Israel. The news reports of her actual words are easily found online, by other media. Personally, I prefer the style of the BBC as compared to the all-out opinionated and reactionary USA Fox News, but each to their own.

My point is this, and it is simple. If a person is elected to represent everyone in their constituency in the highest free and democratic Congress in the world, please show some respect, dignity and humility. Go about your desire to change things from your position of power inside the House, but don’t lower the tone of your position, or yourself, by using crude and foul language. Human nature being what it is, this behaviour will only serve to entrench the opinions of hardcore Republicans, and prompt swing voters against her views. This may have spectacularly backfired on Rashida Tlaib, and I for one hope so, not based on religion but respect, dignity, decency, manners, humility and integrity, of which she has none. This post is not intended to offend, but it did get my goat, as you might have gathered! Here are the news reports from the BBC and Fox News. You can see and decide for yourself.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

'The Talk'

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Colossians3:20NIV

It seems that every time someone on radio or TV wants to make their minor point to a wider audience, they say things like: Let’s have that conversation, or We need to talk about this, or Have you had the chat with your kids yet?

Apparently, the latest ‘talk fad’ to have with your young children revolves around checking or asking if they are happy as a boy or girl, and opening up the subject, ever so gently of course, that Johnny might feel happier as Jenny, and vice versa. Therefore the whole minefield of gender identity is raised with a 6 year old, ever so gently again of course.

Who are we kidding? How were our leaders brought round to thinking this was a good thing? I find it hard to believe they are quite so daft, but maybe this makes the point for me. The “let’s talk about this” culture has now dropped into our pre-school children’s lives, and we can only lay the blame at their parents door. Personal story: a 3 year old managed to climb up on the dining room chair, and from there onto the table while mum was distracted talking. Mum takes the situation in hand by suggesting this is not a safe place to be, and would she like to come down? Then added the thought that the toddler could scuff her new shoes. This conversation took place between an unhappy 3 year old on top of a polished dining table, and an adult who hadn’t covered this situation in her “self help” book. What? You think I’m joking??

This “Let’s talk this through” phenomena with a toddler seems to be growing, and I can’t help but wonder why? Are parents (sorry but it’s usually mums) so afraid to be direct with their children that the poor kid might be scarred for life, or perish the thought, even offended? Do the parents want to abdicate responsibility, and just become best buddies? Do we now view our toddlers as ‘little adults’, so treat them as such?

Let me be open here. Don’t these offenders (the parents, not the children) see how stupid they look to others as they try to (ever so gently of course) discuss and reason their child out of wilful damage, sheer bad manners, or even bad tempered disrespect? I am glad I was brought up to respect and love my parents, and it wasn’t because they treated me as an equal. They were the parents, but more importantly, I was brought up to know it. You may think I am out of order, but I can’t help but wonder what would happen if our nation needed to invoke military service, or conscription? We would be depending on this entitled generation to protect us all from a violent, destructive, and single minded enemy. We may as well wave the white flag right away, and ask if they want to chat over a cup of tea. Far fetched? You think so??

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Extra Years?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew6:27NIV

Short, sharp, and to the point. You don’t usually get medical advice like that, because it takes a lot longer for our ‘learned academia’ to go round the houses before they come to the point. But here it is in the Bible, and has been there for centuries. When you continually worry your life suffers! Take a deep breath and let that sink in.

It is important to understand the difference between worry and concern, or being anxious and it is this. Worry is usually a long term thing, and ‘worrier’ is the word used to describe someone who almost naturally worries before they know all the facts. Worry is in the core of their being. Most, if not all, of us have been concerned or anxious about a certain situation or person, but it doesn’t take over our life. The concern passes.

Jesus is making a statement we need to hear, especially if we are a ‘worrier’ by nature. It doesn’t have to be like this when we can leave it with Jesus to deal with. In fact the bigger problem needing God’s attention isn’t the thing or person making us worry, it’s our own heart which can’t seem to let go and let God do His work. The concerned and anxious person’s feelings will pass when the issue or situation passes, and we let Jesus take the strain (literally), so don’t feel guilty about that, however I would encourage you to get heavenly help for your worry!

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Guilt By Association?

**Warning** May be offensive to some readers, so let me know where I’m wrong**

Here we go again with yet another attack in Manchester by a muslim attacker shouting “god is great” in Arabic. Yes, ‘muslim’ and ‘god’ are in lower case because they should not be honoured with a capital letter which indicates a proper noun. This terrorist almost claimed the lives of three people were it not for the vigilance of the Transport Police and the public. These lives were not taken this time and are being treated in hospital, but let’s be clear, murder was his intention. This was a short distance from the 2017 attack in Manchester Arena during an Ariana Grande concert where dozens of innocents were killed or maimed. It’s not as though this is an isolated instance. This kind of attack happens on our streets regularly, and by no other faith group.

It would be dishonest and irresponsible to suggest this extremism is representative of all muslims, but… I can’t help asking the obvious questions, and they go something like this:

> What makes him different from the other muslims he ‘worships’ with at his mosque?

> Where are the many muslims who want to publicly distance themselves from terrorism?

> Will we ever see a protest march by muslims against muslim terrorists?

> Why do our politicians not take a harder line with the muslim community as a whole?

> Why do we accept there are so few stop-and-searches for this obvious risk group?

I accept that not all muslims are terrorists, but where is the backlash from their own opposing and embarrassed kinsfolk? All muslims believe in the ultimate world domination of Islam (it’s plain to see in the koran, as is the persecution and death of all infidels [us] ) who do not convert, so perhaps terrorism is an acceptable means to an end even for the ‘ordinary’ muslim believer. To think or say otherwise would go against their core belief and that will not happen.

Based on all this, whether we like it or not, we will just have to get used to the extremist muslim terrorists because they will always be seen as necessary for the ultimate conversion of all other infidel peoples and nations. Or perhaps you disagree and think I have it all wrong!

Tuesday, 1 January 2019


It’s that time when we make New Year resolutions. Not just the one, but a few, or even several. We need to change and we know it. We could do better, and we know it. We should be a nicer person, and we know it. A simple question: If we already know where we need to change for the better, why wait until now?

New Year is the time of new beginnings we tell ourselves, and we believe that when we make these life improving gestures now, they will mean more. In fact, we might even complete some of them? But for how long??

It doesn’t have the new year ring about it, but why don’t we do something about our shortcomings when we see them during the year, and not wait until there are a few at the end? Do we think they won’t be as meaningful? Hmm.. I’m not sure about that logic. After all, how often have you heard the words, “I’m making a few resolutions, but I know I won’t keep them”. We need something more than a wish to do things better.

Since God is the source of all creation, that must include us! So, next time you need some resolution wisdom, don’t look in the Christmas cracker, or the Chinese fortune cookie. Check out God’s Word and what He says about doing and being better, because it all begins with His wisdom, and it’s there for the asking. That, my friend, is a revolution and not just a resolution! How about this for a New Year starter then?

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James1:5NIV