Monday 28 January 2019

Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 1Thessalonians4:9NIV

I have read this verse many times, but as happens often with Scripture, there are new insights to be mined at just the right time. This is such a time.

When we want to do the best for our church community, we will recommend a new course of study, preferably leading to a certificate of some kind, or check out a new program, but are these things really as important as we make them out to be? I would suggest that love is the answer. But then a verse like this sheds more light on our knowledge and intent because we have been taught by God to love one another. Did the full impact hit you as it did me?

This means that if we don’t show love to one another, that is directly due to the fact that God hasn’t taught us that lesson yet. No brotherly or sisterly love means no God in that part of our lives. Put even more simply, no love equals no God. This message was not strictly for individuals, as the epistle was penned to the church at Thessalonica. To state the obvious, we might belong to a church that is not very ‘loving’, if at all. But how would we know?

These could be pointers, but not an exhaustive list:

> Only being told you were missed on a Sunday, when you are there the following week. In other words, no one phones during the week to see how you are.

> Leadership whether pastoral or church board do not take the lead in showing love. In fact, everyone thinks and expects that someone else is in touch.

> There is no prayer made for someone who may have missed a few Sundays at church.

> Your church friends are more likely to say (when they see you the following week) I’ve been thinking about you, but not I’m praying for you. There IS a difference.

> Perhaps your pastor will not come and pray for and with you, eg before a significant life event.

> We are known as a ‘once vibrant church’, and not a loving community of believers.

If our present church has not been taught how to love by God Himself, then maybe it’s time to look for another more welcoming, Spirit driven, loving body of believers. But we don’t like to make a fuss, so do we live without the essential teaching that only God can give? Or step out in courage and faith to another yes, imperfect church, but one that has embraced God’s teaching of love? Tough call within the church my friend, but so obvious to the eyes and ears of those outside!

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