Sunday 6 January 2019

Democracy and Integrity

I don’t usually post my thoughts on another country’s actions in politics because that’s their business, but this time is different. Very different. Let me say up front, it’s the USA and the newly elected Democrat member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib who just happens to be a muslim. I say that because in a democracy, you get who you elect, so we must also remember to look behind the Congresswoman herself to the voters who put her there.

In the UK we are used to the knock about of MPs in Parliament, and it does get rowdy at times and childish too. It can also be rude, but the use of bad language is strictly controlled and legislated against inside the house, and the same is expected outside. Having said that, there are occasions where these rules are bent and abused by a few, but not too often.

In keeping with non reactionary reporting, and not being biased, the BBC reports the story accurately, but leaves out the expletives, and strong vocabulary used by Rashida Tlaib to describe her intense hatred of both President Trump, and the only democracy in the middle east, the nation of Israel. The news reports of her actual words are easily found online, by other media. Personally, I prefer the style of the BBC as compared to the all-out opinionated and reactionary USA Fox News, but each to their own.

My point is this, and it is simple. If a person is elected to represent everyone in their constituency in the highest free and democratic Congress in the world, please show some respect, dignity and humility. Go about your desire to change things from your position of power inside the House, but don’t lower the tone of your position, or yourself, by using crude and foul language. Human nature being what it is, this behaviour will only serve to entrench the opinions of hardcore Republicans, and prompt swing voters against her views. This may have spectacularly backfired on Rashida Tlaib, and I for one hope so, not based on religion but respect, dignity, decency, manners, humility and integrity, of which she has none. This post is not intended to offend, but it did get my goat, as you might have gathered! Here are the news reports from the BBC and Fox News. You can see and decide for yourself.

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