Friday 1 June 2018

The Journey - Fearful

Not all journeys are carefree. Take those who decide to cross a hot barren desert on foot? Or those who stretch themselves to their limits of endurance by swimming the channel? What about mountaineers who are always looking for the next challenge? Then there are the really crazy folks who go on an adventure headlong from bridge to valley by bungee jumping? In every one of these events there is an element of fear. Some greater than others, but the fear is there and that is what drives them on to greater risks.

Our faith journey is not always straightforward. There are times when we have to step out in a great act of faith the likes of which we have never thought possible before. A new job. Are we up to the challenge of our environment and will our testimony remain? Illness or disease takes hold, and the outlook is not good. Are we able for the unknowns which must lie ahead? Embarking on a marriage to someone you love dearly, but how can I measure up to the job spec of spouse, friend, homemaker, breadwinner, parent? I don’t know any newlywed who not only starts out excited, but also fearful because they have not walked this path before.

I am amazed at the number of times Jesus said to his disciples, “Fear not”. They needed it, and so we too need to hear it today. “Fear not” the illness, the new job, the role of husband or wife, I can hear Him say. Our heads know God is greater than our problems, but it needs to drop that all important and essential 10 inches into our heart.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

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