Wednesday 20 June 2018

No One Saw!

Tom had his 14th birthday the week before, so he was already a young and responsible teen, trusted by his mum and dad, and almost revered by his 12 year old sister Mary. It was only two years, but Mary thought they were massive. Her brother could do no wrong and was good at pretty much anything. Imagine their surprise and delight when mum and dad asked Tom to look after Mary for the evening because they had a special church meeting to go to, and anyway, Tom was responsible and a good boy who could be trusted with the care of Mary for the evening until mum and dad came home just a couple of hours later. Just one thing they asked of them both. Look after each other and stay out of trouble. It’s a nice night, so if you want to go out, stay close to home. Promise? Dutifully, they promised.

The adults had hardly left the house when Mary and Tom had an idea. The same idea. They even thought like each other, that is how close they were. Mary made those big wide eyes and said, “remember the cove that we always go on a picnic with mum and dad? How about we go there for an hour, and come home in plenty of time before mum and dad get back”, she gushed. It was out in one long breath, and Tom liked the plan too. But they had been told to stay close to home. The cove was only a 5 minute walk from their house on the cliff walkway. Mary continued, by assuring Tom that she would behave, and not leave his side, and do everything he said. That sealed it for Tom, so gathering a few treats to eat, they left and had a great time. They loved this cove because it was always quiet, and once again they had the sandy beach all to themselves. And they got home before mum and dad. Result!!

No one was any the wiser, and I mean no one. The days passed into weeks, and about a month later after dinner, while still sat at the table, dad asked Tom, if he remembered looking after his wee sister for the evening? Of course he remembered. How could he forget because it all went so well to plan. Dad continued…. “You stayed in the street, right? Not too far from the house, right? You made a promise, remember?” By this time both Tom and Mary were almost squirming in their seats, but no one was there. No one saw them. It was impossible to be caught out, so they both agreed that they had stayed close to home as they had said. Just about then, mum’s smile faded as she placed a glossy magazine on the table. It was one of those tourist monthly publications. That was all. Panic over. In complete silence mum flicked through some pages and stopped at a lovely full page image of one of the favourite places to visit that tourists liked. She slid the folded open glossy across the table where both of the kids could see it. Blue skies. Small shallow waves lapping on the sandy shore, and there enjoying the sunset were two figures sitting with a picnic. It was a really nice photo, and the photographer must have had one of those expensive, long, telephoto lenses because you could easily make out the faces of Tom and Mary. “Oh no” they gasped in unison. They had been well and truly caught! Right there and then the truth just came tumbling out. Confessions were made, forgiveness was given, and trust was restored. One thing was certain though, they would never try that trick again.

The old Sunday School verse that the kids thought was just a Bible exercise which had no use or meaning, had tripped them up badly and in such a way they could never have imagined. But God sees our every movement and we cannot hide from Him. The Psalmist David knew this truth to his cost when he tried to hide his sin from God. There is no hiding place for us either!

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. Psalm 139:7,8

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