Tuesday 5 June 2018

The Journey - Change of Circumstance

There can come a point in your journey when you are faced with one of the hardest decisions you will have to make. For any of several reasons, you may feel a pressing need to turn back before reaching your intended summit or destination.

Perhaps the track or path got very steep and rocky and you didn’t have the right clothing or footwear. Maybe it would be tiredness, after all it seems you have been on this climb for ages. Or the recommended path isn’t the one you would have chosen, so there have been times to take a wee reroute before getting back on the main track. One of your travelling companions was not good company that day, and full of moans and complaints, but one thing that would always make you turn back is the turn of bad weather and you don’t have the proper clothing, will or stamina to work through it.

Our faith walk, which can also be a steep climb, sometimes may get too much and we feel like quitting and turning back. We find ourselves deliberately taking a detour to avoid the way that our conscience would recommend. No church is perfect, and we know that, but there are times when it gets a bit much keeping on track when your heart's not in it. The air around you, or spiritual atmosphere, has changed, perhaps in your opinion for the worse and it becomes harder and harder to keep going, so turning back would seem to be the better answer at least for the moment. That same summit is still our ultimate goal, but maybe with a different guide and climbing companions. Yes, it’s one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make on your upward climb.

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