Wednesday 10 October 2018


I tell you not to worry about everyday life. Matthew6:25

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. John14:27

I worry. I wasn’t always like this, but as time passes I find more in this world to worry about. To be more accurate, it’s the effect this world has on my family, and as a Grandparent I have family at various stages of life from my oldest child, to my youngest grandchild. I have heard it preached that worry means a distrust in God’s ability to handle your problem. I know God can handle anything and everything in His own time and in His own way and by His own choice. Basically, that’s my worry. God’s timing, and what if He decides not to step in? Or God does step in, but the offer of help to change is rejected through free will?

I am very Blessed in that most of my family are Bible believing, Jesus accepting Christians. I said most, and although that’s good, it’s also my biggest worry. I tend to do the ‘what if’ routine in my mind and that’s not a good thing on any level. Oh, I am not on my own in worrying, because today’s world is a very different place from what it was in my youth. I believe teenagers today have much more to deal with, and there are so many pitfalls and temptations that were not so apparent just a few decades ago. It’s a matter of scale.

There are more readily available drugs of choice from the ‘party/soft’ to the hard stuff. And talking about the hard stuff, alcohol in copious amounts is a right of passage for the student. It is so easy to get lost in the devil’s maze of fun, and the lie is swallowed so well and so easily by any unsuspecting young person who just wants to have some fun and enjoy themselves. At the centre of this maze is a broken life of shattered hopes and dreams. It is so much harder to find your way out of that maze, than it was to get in.

If you recognise any of this lifestyle in your loved ones, whether family or dear friends, perhaps you can understand why the only safe place is in the Saviour’s hands and arms.

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