Friday 5 October 2018

TV Freedom

They say that freedom comes with responsibility, but I don’t see much, if any responsibility shown on TV in the UK, and that horrifies me. As a nation we are buying bigger and bigger TV sets, LED, LCD, OLED Curved screen, 4K, Widescreen, and Cinema with surround sound, so please don’t try to tell me we are watching less media now beamed into our homes and lives.

I constantly hear the words, TV content is rubbish, and the truth is I have said it too. Do you think TV programs reflect our society, or promote life as we (would like to) see it around us? After a hard day, and our evening meal, we like to plop ourselves into our favourite chair and be entertained, filling our heads with anything and everything that is shown for our viewing pleasure. And there are many channels to choose from, so we are drawn into the bright, coloured, strobing lights of the small but getting ever bigger screen.

Think about it for a moment if you can pull yourself away from your program. We are being openly fed just about everything that’s wrong with society, and we accept it as escapism entertainment. So we end up tacitly condoning dramatic and graphic displays of rage, shouting, swearing, partner swapping, sex scenes, adultery, homosexuality etc, and many of these before the so called 9 O’Clock watershed. Do you really believe that censorship (if applied at all) is working to our advantage?

We are feeding our children a diet of TV programming which promotes as acceptable, every lifestyle which is contrary to normal moral decency, and that is without mentioning any Biblical or religious overtone. Is it enough to turn the channel when the scene has already been shown? Is it enough to switch it off, only to turn it back on later when the kids are in bed? Some people might go as far as to call that hypocrisy. Ouch. The rule is simple. If you can’t watch the TV program or movie with the kids, then don’t watch it at all.

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