Thursday 11 October 2018


Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

There was a grand Pride parade in London, and other cities across the UK recently, and all those who took part were proud of who they are and what they represent. It has been 50 years since homosexuality began to be legally recognised in the UK as ‘normal’ and walls began to fall year after year, until now when we have a hijacked rainbow and a lot of over-proud pride demonstrators. What started as a small movement has grown into a very large, hostile group of people who are still not satisfied. It’s not enough that the LGBTQ community can get married in law, and in many, if not most churches. It’s not enough that primary school children as young as 7 can be taught that it is fully normal to be ‘gay’, or even ‘non-binary’. Yes, that applies to the masses of children who don’t know if they are a boy or a girl, and our NHS is starting to consider providing surgery for teens who don’t like their body, and want to be the opposite gender. You couldn’t make this up.

We certainly have come a long way in 50 years, and for my part it makes me nervous for the generations to come. There is clear evidence within the group that they want to extend the LGBTQ to include ‘P’ for Polyamory which as the name suggests is the acceptance of several sexual partners and ‘N’ for ‘N’on Binary Gender for those who do not know what they are. Right now I am left with the question: Where will it end? LGBTQPN etc etc..

We go through a week of celebration of all things homosexual, gay, and all other deviant sexual acts. The LGBTQ community have never had it so good with free advertising, and even the ad-free BBC have got in on the act. Ordinary folks are only known by one letter, and that is ‘N’ for Normal. There is no acceptable deviation from the ‘Straight’ line, and the natural relationship between one man and one woman for life.

This movement has even set about dividing the church into those who accept and believe the Bible as The Word of God, and those who see it as a book of recommendations with no accountability. This attitude goes right to the top of many denominations, and why? Why would a God fearing, Bible believing community of believers bow to the celebration of any act that is unBiblical, unnatural, and abnormal? Good question, and one I have grappled with recently. Have you seen the TV images of gay pride marches? Do the people taking part look normal to you? No matter what you or I think, they are taking centre stage while ‘N’ormal people stand by, and are making the most of their freedom to be sexually deviant. In a strange way, speaking your mind against this is seen as opinionated, intolerant, unChristian, and downright uneducated. And they say we have freedom of speech? Maybe we should celebrate that freedom, and use it more!

Quoting Bible verses and passages do not help because they can be used and twisted against the obvious truth no matter which version you use. Having said that, one thing is clear from Scripture and that is I must love the one who engages in these sexual acts, and perhaps especially those who celebrate them, and each other. But not ever the sin. Never!

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