Saturday 14 April 2018


Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 NLT

No one wants to be a burden, especially as we get older and we become less able to manage as well as we once did, at least physically. At the root is the fact that you were always the strong parent and grandparent, but now you are less sure footed, and a bit more forgetful. We don’t want to be dependent on anyone, least of all our family, and the other side of that coin is the possible loss of our independence. I don’t know which part of that process is worse. We would want none of it.

Now and again, we need to lean on someone for support. There comes a time when you have less choice in the matter. It can help if the person you lean on, or depend on first, is not close family. Not that family don’t know, or care, or can’t see your struggles, but the first time I needed that new level of support, I was glad it was someone I didn’t know. That helped to create a bridge for further help when needed, to the people who loved me most. My family.

Travelling always brings its own challenges, especially flying between continents where a long haul is involved. It became more and more obvious that this dependence could not be hidden. It was obvious to others, as well as myself. It had happened. The line had been crossed between needing help, and asking for it. It was now the job of the airport and airline companies to provide that assisted travel, but now that I had recognised the need to myself (the hardest one to convince), the travelling became much easier.

But more than all that, I had crossed the Rubicon. There was no going back. As a result, a sense of release came in because I didn’t have to pretend any longer. I was the last to know how much help was needed, but family were, and still are, gracious. Not wanting to rush me but at the same time preparing for the next step in my own journey of life. I am again reminded of how blessed I am to have the family circle around me that God has allowed in my life. My heart echoes, “Thank you, Lord!”

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