Thursday 5 April 2018

Christianity Light

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Cor 6:19,20 ESV

It’s a clear and obvious temptation to just coast the life we have, either in or out of faith. But then a verse like this one comes along to remind us that our salvation should not, and must not be taken lightly or with a shrug of the shoulders.

Imagine for a moment that your wife or girlfriend goes without some things of her own, to buy you a nice, expensive, Rolex watch. Instead of looking after it, you don’t. The face gets scratched, you drop it into the toilet, and it keeps getting mislaid. I wonder how your gift looks in the eyes of the giver now? Was it worth the expense and the other things that were done without? You would have to forgive the giver for thinking it wasn’t worth the effort.

We can never earn our salvation. It has been granted us by a loving God and all we have to do is accept the gift. But do you really think that God wants us to stay in the mire of our sin? I don’t think so. We ought to cherish our priceless gift, and show how thankful we are by our lifestyle change. We are bought with a price and it cost the Saviour the cross, and the heartache of the Father forsaking Him while He hung there.

Shouldn’t we strive to live a Christian life deserving of the love of an eternally Holy God by becoming an example to others who look on us to see if there is any difference between who we were, and the person we are now? Or do we play the ‘Christianity Light’ card in the hope that it will be enough, and since we didn’t deserve it anyway, what possible difference could it make? A final thought: We take good care of our earthly gifts, so shouldn’t we care even more for the eternal gift of salvation which cost Jesus so dearly? It’s a clear choice.

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