Friday 27 April 2018


As our age increases, so our ability to remember clearly usually decreases and can become obvious to our friends and family alike. In fact, they will see it before you do. However, have you noticed even in advanced dementia patients, memories stored from ‘way back in their youth come through as fresh as when they were once made?

Firstly, be amazed at the skill of the Creator who allows some memories into our minds, never to be fully forgotten. Secondly, the Christian should use the skills of memorisation while we can to keep a store of favourite Bible verses and passages. Then as the shadow of failing memory passes over us, we can get the help and comfort right from the source of the well.

You know it makes sense, but it means lifting your Bible more often, reading it over and over, and making an effort to commit verses to memory while we can. It is possible to leave it too late and the things which will fall from our long term memory will be songs, melodies, childhood incidents, but little or no comfort from God’s Word, and would you want that?

So, starting right now, open the Bible that only goes to church with you (even if that!) and read the familiar psalms, parables and promises of a loving God. Do your best to let them sink into your mind, and even if your memory stays sharp in later years, you will have gained a treasure trove of much needed Scripture to have at hand. Should that dreaded mind numbing illness strike, God will bring to your mind the benefits of His Word. What could be better? How do I know this truth? Because His Word has already comforted me with this powerful promise:

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 NIV

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