Saturday 22 October 2016

The Journey - Starting Out

We all have to start our journey somewhere, and at a time of our choosing if we want to make the best of it. Don’t misunderstand me, we are all on a journey, but sometimes there comes a point when we make a conscious and deliberate effort to change course for the better, or at least recognise the course you have set until now has to be put right, and now you have started out on your true journey.

There was a time when I loved to go hill walking. Nothing severe, just a Corbett, or maybe a slow Munro, but preparation was made before we got to the foot of the hill. What was the weather going to be like? Were the boots still fit for the job? Did I have the map and compass in the backpack, and while I was at it, were the batteries in the torch still ok? What about the whistle should we need to attract attention in the unplanned event of an emergency. Could we complete the walk or climb in daylight? There are so many things to consider.

How much more then should we pay attention to the Spiritual journey we are all on. Oh, you may not claim to be religious, but I have been to so many funerals recently to realise that some journeys do not end well. We must prepare, and prepare like it matters. What then do we check into our heavenly backpack? How about some Bible memory verses? A lot of prayer. A warm smile and a positive disposition, after all who would want to journey with a grouch? Some good advice would be great, especially from someone who had been ‘on the way’ a lot longer, and could tell you the pitfalls, and the places to avoid. The greatest thing you can pack is a great big dollop of love. Love for fellow travellers, and even those who will be watching as you set off. It also helps if you pack a healthy respect or fear of the unknowns which you will undoubtedly face. In short, you need understanding and wisdom.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. Proverbs 9:10  

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