Christians of all sorts of denominations and theologies have differing views on the path of human life after initial creation, but we all agree on the origin of man. It is clearly taught in the first verse of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, in the familiar words we all know, “In the beginning God created”. It is after that point the various differences and even disagreements come in. How old is the earth? What part, if any, did evolution in any form play in the way we adapted and changed to our environment? To be more accurate, we usually refer to Charles Darwin’s book “On the Origin of Species” and the furore it caused when his Theory of Evolution was first introduced and published in 1859. That was over 150 years ago and we still debate its truth and relevance.
I sometimes wonder why we have so much trouble reading and understanding from Genesis 1:2 onward, when we seem to be happy to accept the first four words of verse 1? We can rule out the atheist community because they don’t believe in God anyway, and at the time Darwin’s theory had a willing audience because this theory doesn’t require a God to make it work for them. In fact Darwin wasn’t happy with his research and didn’t publish for many years because he did believe in God.
Professors of Theology of various church groups and denominations are happy to debate creation and evolution for as long as you like, and never seem to agree. If evolution was a certainty, the theory would be fact, and the case for evolution would be proven. But it can’t be shown by science. It’s like proving the Loch Ness Monster does or doesn’t exist. It is subjective, and there is no scientific evidence for either. This is a matter of faith alone and not hard science.
So, for my own part I will accept the Biblical account of creation in faith as fact, until it can be proven without any shadow of a doubt that there is no God, and I don’t see that happening. Science can address many laws and prove them by repetition of results and the application of time, but science cannot address feelings and emotions like; love, joy, peace, patience, hate, life, death, right, wrong, good, bad, altruism and the list could go on. I find the God of the Bible the perfect Person and place to go in times when I don’t need a scientific proof, but I do need comfort and understanding. Try putting these under a microscope to prove their existence!