Friday 8 April 2016

The Greatest Question

Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" Acts 26:28

I believe the biggest question you may ever wrestle with is whether or not there is a God. This is not a light or frivolous thing, but deadly serious. If you decide there is no God, saying you are an atheist, there is a risk you may be wrong and the consequences are great. On the other hand, if you believe there is a God, and act on that knowledge, the benefits are eternal. Of course this brings on many other questions, but you have to start somewhere.

Some folks look at faith as a kind of insurance policy, and will accept faith, live a good life here on earth, and eventually get into heaven. This is good, but is it enough? Believing that there IS a God, and believing IN God are two different things. It is fair to say that everybody has to answer the question for themselves, but if we are serious in our belief in an all powerful, all knowing Deity, who created us because He loved us, that would mean we should respond in some way. It is easy to agree that some superior being created us, and all things, but what happens if we do not respond in love?

Do we go to church? Maybe, but in a half hearted way? Do we say we are as good as the next person, but lack any moral compass? Maybe, but does that make us any better than the next person who might not even believe in God? Do we love our neighbour, brother, sister, as Christ loved us? Now we are getting closer to our best response, because make no mistake, how we respond to our belief that God exists, makes us the kind of person we will become. Yes, with repentance, that makes us more like Christ. Only then we are not just someone who believes in God, we become a Christian. What a difference, and for eternity!

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