Friday 5 March 2010

You Think YOU'RE Confused?

Ok, I am a blogger. I put my thoughts down so that others can read them, and agree or disagree. Like most other bloggers, I am not sure why I do this in my spare time, but I would not like to mislead, or give the wrong impression of who I am, or even worse still not know what I stand for myself!

In the process of blogging, you find yourself seeking out others who seem to think like you. Maybe that's to confirm in your own mind that you're not the only nutter out there who actually believes that what you think is important to somebody else! Perish the thought!

So that you know where I am coming from, and to avoid confusion, I follow the 'F' words for my life. Faith, Family, Family tree research, and Photography. Sorry about the last one :-). All in that order. I am not ashamed of my choices. Actually it is usually easier to mention any of them except Faith. That's where others have their own opinions, and a lot of heat gets generated (usually more heat than light!). But having said it, you are in no doubt where I stand, agree or disagree. I will try to understand your opinion, all I ask is that you respect mine.

I say all that because I came across a blog by someone I know. Very clever, and well educated, even articulate, but I had to conclude that I didn't know her at all, and I thought I did! She belongs to that group of people who theor-'ise', and psycholog-'ise', and psychiatr-'ise', and philosoph-'ise', around a subject, and although clever is not very w-'ise'! I used to work with a man who would say from time to time, 'I might be daft, but I'm not stupid'. A good and understandable witticism. Trouble is, some bloggers are 'daft AND stupid' and it comes across. Like politicians, they talk a lot but don't say much. An aide to an old US President used to say about him, 'he don't say much, but when he talks, he don't say much'. Ouch!

I hope I never get to the stage when people wonder what I am saying when I talk, or even worse can't tell what I stand for, and where my priorities in life are. If, or when, that happens, I will expect my family and friends (my real friends) to tell me sincerely, but quietly. That is when I will stop. In the meantime, I will say again that my life revolves around my Faith, Family, and Fotography. (Ok is that better :-)?), and in that order. Clear? Oh, I also have a 'C' word in my life, and this goes with me wherever I go, helps to form the real me, and is non-negotiable! Even clearer?      

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