Saturday 13 March 2010

Bulger, Thompson, Venables and the 'Psycho'-logist

The story is told of a Social Worker (or psychologist) walking home one night, when she sees a poor elderly man slumped against a wall, with severe head and face injuries, blood running down his face, and his clothes all torn. He cannot move, and is asking for help. The Social Worker says, 'The person who did this needs help'! This is not funny, but is is relevant!!

Children's Commissioner Maggie Atkinson, who was appointed to the post last autumn, called for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 10 to 12 years old. Dr Atkinson also said 'politicians should put the needs of children first and not allow themselves to be so influenced by the views of victims' relatives'. Did you catch that? Now for the question, 'who is the victim'? Or in our case, who deserves the public sympathy, Bulger, Thompson or Venables? Or maybe even the psychologist? 

Today, a leading psychologist, with a really bad hair day, was aired on TV saying that children of 10 don't really know right from wrong, and even though they might know it is wrong to steal, it won't stop them from stealing. Apparently we should better understand these children, and give them the help they need.... after they do the crimes! It's not their fault. Oh diddums dearie... Yes it is! Wake up and see it for what it is. It is a crime, and in this case a hideous, and heinous evil crime against an innocent child who was lured to a place where terrible injuries were inflicted. They KNEW where to take him. They KNEW what they wanted to do to him. They KNEW to do their crime away from prying eyes, where they would be left in peace to humiliate and murder their helpless young victim.

Maybe we do need to help the 'children' who commit such crimes, but only while they are in prison, and not let out early for 'good behaviour' because a psychologist thinks they are no longer a danger to the public. Now one of the pair is back in prison where he should have stayed all along. Lets not listen to the social workers or 'experts' in such cases. Let's listen to the deep voice inside the ordinary man and woman who knows more than any Oxford educated expert, who incidentally only wants their 15 minutes of fame on a TV interview, and is only interested in furthering their own narrow minded agenda.

One of the sad outcomes of all the recent happenings is that another victim, Jamie Bulger's mother, has had to go through it all again, and listen to the educated (not wise) drivel of an eminent psychologist, who has had a bad hair day. Put it another way, she will be recognised again if or when she appears on TV again, and she will love to spout again, as she uses up what remains of her 15 minutes of fame.

In the recent past, Venables has been locked up because of another crime, after having been released from prison early with Thompson, given new identities to avoid them being identified and maybe a crime being perpetrated against them for something evil they did to a small boy years earlier. The law of the land was used extensively to help the killers, and very little was done to help the victim's family. Where is the justice in that?

We often hear politicians saying about such things, 'we need to ensure this kind of thing never happens again'. Ok, now do something about it!     

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