Wednesday 17 March 2010

Playground Fights

I couldn't believe my eyes. There in the playground were two heads of department, arguing violently about the merits of their own areas of 'expertise'. There they were facing each other in full view, hurling insults at each other, while many of their department members stood behind their leader yelling their approval, and almost baying for blood! This is so humiliating for the others watching. There were people there who had nothing to do with the fight, but previously had been asked to join the parent/student committees by these same leaders! Who can blame them from walking away?

These people should know better. They are 'pillars of our society' and should be looked up to, and not allow themselves to be lowered to a level that the kids are given conduct cards for. I wonder who will reprimand the heads of department? Eventually, the Head Teacher came out and told them to behave, and quieten down. The Head Teacher finished what he was saying, and these same two people immediately started at each other again with their insults, and personal abuse. The trouble is, I couldn't actually understand what it was they were arguing about, so it was all in vain!

Ok, so now replace the playground with the floor of the House of Commons, the arguing teachers with the leaders of the major political parties, and the Head Teacher with the Speaker of the House. See what I mean? They behave like kids in the playground. Actually, kids in the playground don't even behave like that, even with those they don't see eye to eye with! These same leaders expect us, the spectators, to vote for them and their party. Why? Why should anyone vote for someone who behaves like that? Don't they realise there will be a General Election very soon?

I would like to see a rational debate, with real questions and answers. Not 'political replies' which always seem to side step the most basic and sometimes obvious answers. Why can't these very clever (but not very wise) leaders learn to behave responsibly, just like we train and educate our own children to act? Is that really too much to ask? Answers on a postcard, please!!    

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