Wednesday 28 November 2018


In the UK we have been suffering through two years of Brexit, and the arguments why we should stay or leave the EU, depending on which side of the debate fence you sit on. Whichever way you look at it, at least we are talking about it ad nauseum (literally!).

At the same time, there is another referendum which is more serious, but few talk about it. Let me introduce you to Plexit, the vote we all have but few cast, on what we do to prepare for the sure and certain event called ‘Planet Exit’. I suggest that we don’t have to give it much thought, because we have been convinced that everybody goes to heaven anyway. We will make a few exceptions for some murderers and peopophiles, but other than a few exceptions heaven is a cert! Really?

If you think we are here on this earth as a result of chance, an accident of nature, or a mutation of evolution, then you should have no worry about leaving this earth, because it then stands to reason that there can be no heaven or hell. But most people agree that there is a God, whether they go to church or not. In the same manner, they have convinced themselves that this loving God would never send any of His creation to hell. Ergo, it’s heaven!! How convenient.

On the other side of the debate are the Christians who believe by faith in a glorious heaven, and know it in their heart.They are also very aware of the real existence of the devil and his hell. The Bible talks a great deal about both heaven and hell and leaves the decision to us. This is a choice we make in the here and now. We can’t change our mind when we get to the wrong place in eternity. What are we doing to prepare, because the Bible is clear?

Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2Corinthians6:2NKJV

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