Monday 5 November 2018

Asia Bibi

**Alert: Some may be upset with the following post**

In the highly majority Muslim, Islamic country of Pakistan, a young Christian woman has been sentenced to death, held in death row for eight years, and her alleged crime was one of blasphemy against Islam. Happily her sentence has been overturned by Pakistan’s top court, but sadly her life is probably in more danger than ever before, and to top it off she has been barred from leaving the country where there are riots boiling over, demanding her death.

We are often told not to judge one bad incidence on all members of a faith group like the Islamic/Muslim believers. But when there are tens of thousands of people taking to the streets insisting that the death penalty is enforced on one woman, if not by the courts, then by their own hands, then that’s the same thing. Let me get this right. One slight Christian woman in jail for 8 years, and under the order of capital punishment, versus several thousands of marauding Muslims baying for her blood. Now tell me again why I shouldn’t judge the false religion of Islam when the odds against her are 50,000+ to 1, and believe they are all basically and fundamentally the same?

Asia’s husband is asking for asylum, and since they are not allowed to leave the country what do you think will happen? Yes, trial by mob rule when they get their hands on this innocent woman. They are already protesting carrying placards, showing her head in a noose. All the government needs to do now…. is nothing, and their little problem woman conveniently will ‘go away’. To Asia Bibi’s credit, in spite of all that has been happening to her, and around her, she has not renounced her faith. Doesn’t that strong, unwavering faith put you and me to shame? It should!

I am left wondering what the so called Christian countries are doing to help this woman and her husband. Probably not very much, and almost certainly the same as the Pakistani government. Not very much. It goes to confirm that we’re not much of a Christian country any more.

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