Friday 16 November 2018


Music is a universal language, and a tool which needs no translation of words sometimes. “If music be the food of love, play on”, is the first line of the play “Twelfth Night”, by William Shakespeare, and he was a man who knew a bit about drama and the human need to be calm.

We have music all around us 24 hours a day, every day. It’s playing in the supermarkets, shopping malls, radio stations dedicated to various genre, clubs, elevators, and you can’t have missed the masses of people walking around with headphones or earbuds in place listening to their favourite singers and bands. These people, whatever their taste in music, and whether you like their taste or not, are good at expressing their thoughts and inner feelings through the medium of music. Yes, it is universal.

Churches make the most of the gifts of music too, and the singing voices of the congregation, lifting their hearts and voices in praise to the Creator is a good example. We know that He is the creator of all things, and that includes music. The uniting fellowship of singing together is special and unique to the family of God. It can lift your spirits, or move you to tears, and we have to thank our musicians for using their talents in this way to foster a spirit of worship.

Good musicians don’t just happen. They didn’t decide one day to pick up an instrument and hey presto, they turned out a melody. A player of any musical instrument will tell you it is hard work, especially at the beginning, because they have to keep at it. Our faith is a bit like that. We don’t reach the fullness of our faith quickly, and in fact we have to practice it daily. There may be times when we don’t feel that God is close, or that he is listening to our prayers, but we have the assurance that He is near, and He knows our frame that we are frail. Don’t give up or lose hope. God is faithful and He will never let us down. I like the way the Good News Bible translates 1 Thessalonians 1:3 when it says…..

For we remember before our God and Father how you put your faith into practice, how your love made you work so hard, and how your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ is firm.

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