Thursday 1 December 2011


It is the start of Advent, and a time of celebration for all who embrace the Christian faith, and the miracle of the Saviour’s birth. After all it is called ‘CHRISTmas’, and should be savoured and protected from the onslaught of the secular world who want to reduce it to a holiday season where Santa rules, and receiving presents is the only expectation.

I am not surprised that there are those outside the church who like the idea of a Christmas without Christ, and so make it Xmas. That works for them, and is the overwhelming way Christmas is now written. What I am surprised about however, are those ‘christians’ (small ‘c’) who are happy to poke fun at the event from the sidelines, in the hope of been seen as progressive, modern, free thinking, and profound. Other main religions protect their faith as important, and significant enough to die for their beliefs, but these other people? They are the fifth column within the church who do no good to the overall cause of the great commission, or the sacred and holy birth we celebrate as truth.

I have found facebook to be a great way to keep in touch with like minded friends and share some common harmless fun, but in doing this you also come across some comments which are not only a surprise, but shocking, offensive and even close to heresy. Facebook has a ‘like’ button, but does not have an ‘unlike’ button, and I for one think there should be. The Advent season has started and we will be served up a diet of comments and argument about its irrelevance by the non christian community, but please, can we refrain from joining the masses? Can we stand up for our season? We are in danger of losing CHRISTmas to the secularists, so please don’t help them by peddling watered down parallel nativities. Replacing the baby Jesus, or any of the nativity characters by other people or objects only shows a lack of sincerity and depth. The fact is that christians who do this are only trying to be noticed, and are leading an unsuspecting, advancing fifth column. I see this as the most significant danger, and it comes from within our own ranks. Am I being over sensitive or do you think I have a point? Should I/we be worried?

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