Tuesday 27 December 2011


Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned... (Luke 2:19,20a).

The shepherds went back to work, and the stable was quiet. Mary and Joseph are left to themselves again. Have you ever wondered what was going through their minds? The clue is that Mary ‘pondered’, probably turning over in her mind the events of the past few months, culminating in the birth of her baby boy, and in her eyes, the most beautiful son in the world. She didn’t know all that lay ahead, and for any parent, that can be a blessing, but she was sure of her past. She had been visited by heaven itself, and was sure of His place in history.

It’s a good thing to ponder, and especially after the bustle of Christmas, and before the New Year. Your house may be quiet, and visiting family all gone home, so you have some time to think. This is a good time to ponder about anything and everything that affects you and your family. It’s not quite New Year, when we traditionally make those dreaded resolutions, but we can start to form our thoughts for what you want to happen next!

Mary pondered, and so should we. Mary was secure in her experience of God’s hand on her life, and we should be too. There is no better way to face the unknown, than with the certainty that God steps into the ‘fog’ with us, and has our hand. Mary’s life was never smooth, but she stayed secure in her conviction that her son was a very special visitor, and she was privileged to be His mum. She was there from the beginning, right to the end. She was the best example of a Mum we can have in this life, and worthy to be respected. And the world’s greatest story ever told, began when Mary pondered. So, while you can, as it is quiet, and with God’s help, get pondering!

(In memory of Godly mums past, and present, with thanks)

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