Friday 7 October 2011

Information or Transformation

Subtitled: Law or Grace?

Gal 1v14 - “I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.”

Philippians 3:9 - “...and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.”

I can remember the 'older, glory days' of the church. Pews were filled, singing would have inspired you, prayers were powerful, and the body of Christ in the church was united in the great commission of reaching out to the world. Great days, and impossible to forget. These days helped form my convictions and gave me a strong feeling of right and wrong. All parts and all ages within the church were growing, and healthy. That made it a secure environment to learn and grow individually. Having said all that, I and many others like me are victims of our early church life. How can that be, I hear you ask?

The years after WW2 were full of church growth, true, but something else grew, and that was the 'law'. To be more descriptive, it would be the rules, some written but some unwritten, but all were expected to be obeyed. Do you remember being allowed to have a Sunday walk, but not allowed to play with friends? Not doing school homework on Sunday? Not taking the bus on the Lord's day, so walking to church? No mixed bathing/swimming? No TV, and therefore no cinema, because it supported an immoral industry? A dress code to promote modesty, but resulted in the 'frumpy' look for the ladies? Ladies did not wear trousers! The list could go on.

The youth of that day, had a tough time when change came along. Somehow, the bad habits we had been warned against, became the norm. How many good Christians do you know who go for a walk on Sunday, or any of the other things listed earlier? I would reckon all of the things listed, are being done today and no one bats an eyelid. Look at the two verses above again. The same person, Paul, describes how he lived by the laws, but that was BEFORE he was changed by faith. The change which transformed his life, and gave us most of the New Testament, was brought about by a personal encounter with Jesus, and the faith which followed. It had NOTHING to do with the rules he followed religiously.

Question: How many Christians do you know who came to sound faith in Christ because of the 'rules' they obeyed? I know what my answer is!

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