Tuesday 25 October 2011

A Good Death?

Can a death ever be good? Can it ever be welcome? There was dancing in the streets of Libya when the death of Muammar Gaddafi was reported, and a line up of rebels willing to take the ‘blame’ for killing him. After months of fierce fighting in a terrible civil war, the subject of a country's hate has been killed, and now is facing his creator, and maker. So, is there really anything to celebrate? What about his killers? Would they have blood on their hands? We have people in the UK and USA now asking why he was not brought to trial for his crimes. Maybe he would have been sentenced, and then given time off for good behaviour. (Sorry that bit of cynicism just slipped out.)

On another point, did you note that the self styled ‘king of kings’ (perhaps an Islamic taunt on the Christian community in the West?) who insisted that his people loved him, and would die for him, pleaded with his captors to set him free? He offered them great wealth in exchange for his life. It didn’t work. He had lost the faith of his people, after mistreating and abusing them for many years. It reminded me of the temptation of Jesus, when He was asked by the devil to worship him, in exchange for much wealth and kingdoms, which were not his to give. Is it possible that Gaddafi was a type of the devil himself? Just a thought.

In any event, one of the things which sets us apart from non democratic nations, is the rule of law. We lose it at our peril. Bearing in mind the evil of the man, it almost hurts me to say that even he was due a trial, by a judge and jury of his peers. We may mock the process at times, but without it, we become another barbarian nation. Had he been killed in a crossfire, or as a result of another’s reaction in self defence, that is one thing, but to be killed in cold blood, by a baying mob? Is that what we really think was right? I accept the world is well rid of Gaddafi, but does the method of his death, give us some idea of the underlying nature of the Islamic people of Libya, and the kind of democracy which may follow? I think there may be a difference in the basic value of human life, between the Judeo-Christian and Islamic Faiths.

Where will the ‘Arab Spring’ lead us? I may be alone in my thinking, but I don’t think recent events are anything to celebrate.

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