Wednesday 26 October 2011

Deal With It

If something happens in your life that you don't like, but someone else does, you will be on the receiving end of the words, “Deal with it”. This happens to us all the time. It's just life, isn't it? And a biggie will be coming our way soon, so prepare yourself for having to 'deal with it'.

In all the most recent elections in the UK (remember them?) all the political parties, except one, stood squarely behind the need for marriage to be redefined by law. Now the Conservative Party, who were silent before, have come out strongly, very strongly, in favour of the redefinition. If you haven't caught the significance of this, let me say it another way. Marriage will be redefined by law in the UK to allow same sex couples to be regarded in every way equal to normal couples. I make no excuse for saying 'normal'.

I have many questions, but these have now become academic. It will happen. We will have to 'Deal With It' now. Not only do we have to deal with this question as a matter of personal conscience, but perhaps more importantly, all of our churches will have to deal with it, but in their cases, the law will be tested, and churches who do not fall into line will be prosecuted in line with the law of the land. On a personal level, I am extremely disappointed in the Conservative Party, who were the only party to give the impression that they were struggling with the question, but it now is very apparent they were gathering votes before joining the others in their joint agenda. I have to put that aside now.

If you belong to a 'Bible believing, evangelical church', you will soon be tested. Our churches will no longer have a free choice in how they preach the Word of God. They will have to preach in line with the State Government in mind. This sounds like the State control used in old Russia, China, and other non Christian countries. I think that is the crux of the matter. We are no longer a 'Christian Nation', so guess what, “Deal With It”.

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