Wednesday 14 September 2011

Why the Silence?

The Scottish Government is holding a public consultation on whether they should legislate for the redefinition of marriage. There is a call among many liberal, forward thinking, progressive people who think that the definition should be changed to allow the same Faith and Religious standing to homosexual couples as afforded to normal married couples, i.e., a man and a woman. I believe this is a minefield, and contrary to the Bible which I read. So, I would expect all those evangelical, Bible believing Churches to be set against it, and for this legislation to fall at the first hurdle. Now I am not so sure.

The Roman Catholic Church at the highest level in Scotland has made it perfectly clear that they are against any redefinition of marriage. It MUST be between a man and a woman, and they give their reasons, also clearly. No doubt, no ambiguity. They are taking the establishment head on, in the sure knowledge that their view is based on Scripture. Good for them! I applaud their courage.

On the other hand, the main body of Christians in Scotland, 'The Church of Scotland', is strangely quiet on the matter. Well maybe not so strange, after all, they are having their own fiery debate on allowing homosexual ministers in the pulpit. Logically, they cannot then be against allowing the definition of marriage to be changed. That would be hypocrisy, wouldn't it? So, that particular church's views are already known, and opposition can be discounted.

But what about the evangelical wing of the other Churches in Scotland? I wonder where they stand on the issue? I think they are in hiding, afraid to take a stand, or make waves, just in case it all goes against them and they lose parishioners from the pews in the process. I would like to see some of these 'silent churches' come out of hiding, and go public with their views. The time for sitting on the fence is over. All of Scotland's Churches have been asked by the Government to take part in the consultation, and that is good, whatever the convictions of any individual church, and we already know there are some already in favour of marriage being redefined. We live in a democracy, and we all have an opinion, and in this case, a vote. It would do no harm to air your views on the Scottish Government Consultation website, after all we may not be able to depend on our own Church to participate and reflect our views. The website is:

Sometimes it comes down to ordinary people taking their stand!

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